It is a long-held Federal regulatory standard to consider any adverse events or death reported in temporal association with receipt of a novel and/or experimental therapy to be caused by the intervention until proven otherwise. So why are doctors telling patients, “We have no idea what is causing your sudden onset of illness directly after receiving a novel experimental medical procedure, but we are 100% positive it’s not the vaccine.”? Even if it wasn’t a long-held regulatory standard to take the opposite stance, such a statement would make no logical sense. Virtually any substance or medication will produce a diverse range of reactions across the human population—for example, if you administer peanuts to everyone, there will be some number of fatalities and cases of anaphylaxis. There are zero long term studies done on the C19 “vaccine” and no one should be claiming that we “know for certain” much of anything about them. Instead we should be investigating the great many valid concerns. Including that Pfizer’s own results indicate that for every case of severe C19 the vaccine prevented, 15 Serious Adverse Events would result.
After more than a year of painful litigation, the South African high court recently forced its government to release the original 2021 C19 "vaccine" contracts. In the disclosed contract between Pfizer and the Republic of South Africa (which is, in all likelihood, very similar or identical to Pfizer's contracts with all other countries) Pfizer admitted it had no idea what the jabs might do or might not do in the long run, or whether they would even work at all. What we know is that there has been an unexpected, undeniable, dramatic and sustained increase of various types of medical issues in population cohorts that historically do not experience these issues (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here), which coincide with the vaccine rollouts (and that has nothing to do with C19 infections).
Insurance companies have reported an unexplainable 40% increase in all cause mortality in 18-49 year olds. (For reference, a 10% increase would be expected only after a catastrophic event of some kind.) Also that 1.7 million workers left the labor force in 2021 & 2022 due to being disabled (with a total of 3.2 million disability claims for that same time frame). This once-in-multiple-centuries event (per insurance actuarial standards) is a public health catastrophe that should have been noticed by every doctor alive. Yet the medical community at large has failed to discern this rise of severe adverse health events even as they continue to push these vaccines, and now boosters, upon an increasingly disillusioned public. They continue to claim that there have not been any unusual patterns of medical issues since the vaccination campaign was launched. This demonstrates that these doctors and medical professionals are laboring under a psychological and emotional bias that is keeping them from seeing this shocking, once-in-a-lifetime spike of health problems in age groups typically immune to such maladies. The fact is, research is showing the vaccines kill 3-4 times as many people as a C19 infection does.
Of course it’s not just the US experiencing this. According to data from Techniker Krankenkasse, Germany's largest medical insurance company, there were 30x more insurance claims billed under the four diagnostic codes for vaccine injury in 2021—an injury rate of 5%. (Putting aside confounding factors, if extrapolated for the 223 million vaccinated United States citizens, would equal over 11 million injured Americans.) Karl Lauterbach, Germany’s Federal Minister of Health, admitted that severe C19 vaccine injuries were one in ten thousand doses (not persons, doses), and that government compensation programs "are a mess." In Bavaria, vaccine damage hotlines are horribly overrun. And how about this huge story out of Western Australia? Western Australia might as well be an island. There are very few ways to get there, so when that province locked down, they had possibly the best control over access in the world. As this article explains, Western Australia locked down early, before C19 got there, and even reached 90% vaccine rates before it ever experienced the pandemic. Recently, the province released its vaccine surveillance report for 2021—when there was ZERO C19 there—and guess what? They experienced an ‘exponential increase’ in adverse events, with hospitals struggling to keep up with the carnage. Despite the near-total absence of C19 cases, in the second half of 2021, Western Australia media regularly reported that their hospitals were overwhelmed, right as adverse events peaked in their databases. It was a pandemic of vaccination. The highest month for adverse event reports was October—the same month workplace mandates were issued, vaccine eligibility expanded to anyone 18+, and walk-in vaccinations came online. Only 16 cases of covid were reported in October. On October 31st, WA Premier Mark McGowan told reporters that hospitals were “under enormous pressure,” but said it was baffling to understand why that was. Just baffling. (Sigh)
The CDC and the FDA have failed in their duty to assess the safety of the C19 “vaccines.” They have outright ignored and undermined every safety signal and independent study showing highly concerning numbers of injuries resulting from it (1 in 1,000 and they caution that even that is a conservative number based on Pfizer’s manipulated data). They have colluded with pharmaceutical companies on superficial & inadequate monitoring of adverse events. They’ve dismissed vaccine injuries out of hand as unrelated—funding no serious investigations into (or severely underfunding) them, individually or as a whole. They’ve provided no tools for doctors to identify or treat vaccine injury and have firmly discouraged doctors from reporting them. When someone dies of a suspected vaccine injury, doctors are frequently instructed not to do autopsies, and when they do perform them they don’t run the proper stains to check for vaccine involvement, or they refuse to release the results entirely. Doctors who perform proper autopsies routinely find evidence of vaccine injury (see also here, here, here, here, and here).
The vaccine is hijacking our cell’s ability to manufacture proteins, and it is requesting they make something which is neurotoxic so that our immune system responds. This is only supposed to be temporary and localized to the site of the injection, usually the muscle tissue of your arm. This mechanism risks creating a toxic quantity of spike within the body. Its manufacturers promised that the “vaccine” remains in cells in the shoulder, and that the spike produced and expressed by these cells from the vaccine’s genetic material is harmless and inert. However, a pharmacokinetic study from Japan (as well as Pfizer’s own documents) showed that the lipid nanoparticles and mRNA from the Pfizer vaccine did not stay in the shoulder, and in fact bioaccumulated in many different organs, including the reproductive organs (ovaries & testes especially) and adrenal glands, meaning that modified spike is being expressed quite literally all over the place. A blockbuster Danish study showed the same thing. These lipid nanoparticles may trigger anaphylaxis in an unlucky few, but far more concerning is the unregulated expression of spike in various somatic cell lines far from the injection site and the unknown consequences of that.
The truth is, SARS-CoV-2 Spike is a highly pathogenic protein on its own. It is impossible to overstate the danger presented by introducing this protein into the human body. It is neurotoxic and it impairs DNA repair mechanisms. It infects T helper cells leading to impaired function and cell death—knocking out a person’s immune system. Among other damage, this makes it a disease accelerator, meaning if someone has cancer, Lyme, herpes, Epstein Barre, etc.—even dormant, which untold numbers of people do—an introduction of the spike protein into their system can accelerate it. It is linked to heart damage, neurological damage [2], reproductive damage, “sudden adult death syndrome” (SADS), increased susceptibility to C19 infection (see also here), strokes, brain tumors, brain cell death, thyroid and liver dysfunction, amyloid fibril formation (Alzheimers), MS, persistent severe insomnia, rapid onset cancers (such as just killed Modest Mouse drummer, Jeremiah Green), aphasia (the disease that recently sidelined Bruce Willis), Ramsay Hunt syndrome (as recently experienced by Justin Bieber), the ultra rare Stiff-person syndrome (which Celine Dion was just diagnosed with and is on Pfizer’s long list of post-authorization adverse event reports), angioimmunoblastic T cell lymphoma (such as actor Sam Neill was just diagnosed with), Aortic aneurysm rupture (such as just killed sports reporter, Grant Wahl and is very strongly tied to Pfizer’s mRNA “vaccine”), brain bleeds (as recently experienced by actor Jamie Foxx), intermittent or severe vertigo [2], [3], [4] (which heroic army surgeon Dr. and Lt. Col. Pete Chambers experienced upon his first shot), unprovoked blood clots, pulmonary embolisms, thromboinflammation, deep vein thrombosis, central venous thrombosis, splanchnic vein thrombosis, psychosis (mostly in children), blistering diseases, GI problems, low or nonexistent bifidobacteria, kidney, [2], [3] and urinary system problems, penile mondor disease (PMD), testicular infection, membranous nephropathy, and more (see subheadings below). Most doctors don’t recognize signs of vaccine injury, in part because they are so vast, but also due to fear, bias, and ignorance they almost never run the proper diagnostic tests.
Serious issues with lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) and potential allergic reactions with PEG lipids have been known for years. New issues, due to the C19 “vaccines,” are being discovered. (LNPs—that are used in these mRNA “vaccines”—are coated with four lipids including PEG, a petroleum byproduct and carcinogen.) One Pfizer document the FDA tried to hide shows LNPs from the C19 "vaccine" travel everywhere in the body. Also the mRNA platform itself may be unsafe. We now know that mRNA could disrupt the complicated RNA ecosystem in our bodies including microRNA (miRNA). The damage from these shots is proven to be dose dependent (meaning the more one gets, the worse off one is). None of this makes it into the mainstream press, and yet all cause mortality is reaching unprecedented levels all over the world with no explanation or investigation—and when evidence does come to light about vaccine injuries it is swiftly suppressed, manipulated, manipulated again, deliberately misinterpreted, altered, delayed, undocumented, downplayed, lost, hidden, hidden again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, hidden some more, hidden even more, lied about, lied about again, lied about more, lied about some more, or outright buried. (For one example, the NIH boldly stated on February 1, 2022, “COVID-19 vaccination does not reduce chances of conception, whereas Pfizer trials showed all along it caused a staggering drop in semen concentration and total motile count that in some men may be near total and permanent. Another example is that at the start of the vaccination campaign, regulators repeatedly told us that the mRNA breaks down within a few weeks, when it’s actually been shown to last multiple months or more. In fact, the CDC explicitly said “Our cells break down mRNA from these vaccines and get rid of it within a few days after vaccination.” If you wonder why you couldn’t find that exact statement on their site, it’s because the CDC quietly removed it in July 2022.)
Safety Signals / Pharmacovigilance
We are still in phase 3 trials—5 billion of us—and yet the pharmaceutical companies have quit observing the data. No one is monitoring the trial subjects. Countries around the world have pharmacovigilance databases from the UK’s Yellow Card to the US’s VAERS to Europe’s EudraVigilance, to Western Australia’s WAVSS and the WHO’s VigiaAccess—all flawed and grossly underreported if not broken entirely (see also here, here, here, here, and here), usually by design. Still, the safety signals are impossible to miss…so why are they being missed?
When the pharmaceutical industry was given complete liability for vaccines in 1986 it was with the stipulation that they create and use a pharmacovigilance database—the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System ( VAERS)—in order to spot and act on safety signals regarding injury & death. A 2010 HHS study concluded that VAERS detects fewer than 1% of vaccine injuries. The CDC’s own (Harvard) study showed its biggest problem (of many) was an underreporting factor of 41, though more recent studies put that factor far higher for the C19 “vaccine.” The VAERS site is somewhere between deficient and fraudulent by design and difficult to navigate. It takes an average of 45mins per entry, which must be done on the doctors’ own time, and is challenging to use the entire time. The CDC & FDA have never tried to implement any of the simple fixes that would make VAERS more reliable and easy to use, yet the safety signals are clearly off the charts anyway, and completely ignored by the regulatory body required to use it. (In 2010 the federal Agency for Health Care Research Quality designed and field-tested a state-of-the-art machine counting system as an efficient alternative to VAERS, proving it could capture most injuries, but after seeing the frightening results—vaccines were causing serious injuries in 1 of every 40 recipients—the CDC killed the project entirely.) Currently, well over one million C19 vaccine injuries have been reported in VAERS, though with an underreporting factor estimated upwards of 50 it could be higher than 50 million in the US alone.
Recently, React19, a patient advocacy organization that represents thousands of people injured following C19 "vaccines," conducted an audit of the VAERS database. The results were shocking. Based on its audit of 126 verified VAERS reports randomly collected from its members, React19 found that 5% never made it into the VAERS system, another 22% made it into the system but were not publicly visible, and incredibly another 15% of VAERS reports made it into the system but then were outright deleted! Even more concerning, the majority of the deleted reports consisted of permanent disabilities and emergency room visits! In total, 42% of reports were not accessible in the VAERS system used by many across this country to assess vaccine safety.
The CDC contracted for help in counting what they expected to be a deluge of vaccine injury reports, however even their estimates of 1,000 more per day or week turned out to be a massive underestimation. In truth they spent millions of dollars to high hundreds of staff to process 25,000-40,000 reports per week.
More recently the CDC created V-safe, another monitoring system that is also flawed by design, and that they all but abandoned within 6 months (and cancelled completely in 2023). Strangely (or not), they’ve refused to make V-safe data available to the public. Thanks to Aaron Siri, the lawyer heading the lawsuit against them, the CDC has recently been court ordered to share it. The early receipts are incredibly damning (and they’re finally, in 2024, releasing the free text box entries, meaning the full story could very well become even worse than what we already know). V-safe’s data shows that 8.2% of its approximate 10 million users reported having to receive medical care after receipt of a C19 “vaccine,” and over 70% of those users sought outpatient/urgent clinical care, emergency room care, and/or were hospitalized. (Keep in mind, these were voluntary subjects—vaccine enthusiasts, if you will—meaning the underreporting factor here, while currently unknown, is surely of some significance.) As importantly, it is dystopian for the government to give pharmaceutical companies billions, mandate Americans to take their products, prohibit Americans from suing for harms, yet refuse to let Americans see the pre- and post-licensure safety data for these products. V-safe was specifically designed to be able to answer questions about the safety of these “vaccines” that could not be conclusively determined with other methods like VAERS. The fact that the CDC and FDA then stonewalled making that data available proves malfeasance by these agencies and demands a congressional investigation.
The problem isn’t just in the US. In the WHO’S own VigiAccess database, more than five million adverse reactions were logged—a total of 5,286, 822 in just three years of C19 vaccine circulation. The Israeli Ministry of Health deliberately concealed concerning signs of vaccine safety so that it could push the “vaccine” through. Israel didn't start to gather safety data until a year into the program. Then they tasked an outside expert panel to examine the safety data they collected over 6 months (the first half of 2022) that presented their findings to the MoH on a Zoom call that was secretly recorded. After finding that the C19 “vaccines” were much more dangerous to people than the world authorities admitted, with serious adverse events that were never disclosed by Pfizer or any world government, these Israeli authorities & scientists acted to cover up the harms by releasing a fabricated report to make the vaccine look perfectly safe.
Autoimmune Issues
Pfizer was allowed by regulators to exempt itself from testing for autoimmunity risks. Yet pre-exacerbation of an existing autoimmune condition was a remarkably common (24.2% rate) side effect found in the recent Israeli study of individuals receiving the booster. This is particularly insidious because autoimmune patients are typically the #1 group recommended to get vaccinated (because they are "immune suppressed" and hence supposedly need the extra protection). One rheumatologist found 37% of his vaccinated patients had adverse events and 4.4% had a flare up of their disease after vaccination. And one recent study showed that a considerable body of evidence indicates a correlation, and some recent studies even suggest causation, highlighting the potential for C19 boosters to have adverse effects on the immune system.
A peer reviewed study in Autoimmunity showed conclusively that mRNA vaccines will cause autoimmunity in all applications. The human body is simply too good at recognizing foreign proteins that populate at the cell surface synthesized from mRNA on ribosomes in the Golgi complex. Auto-immune conditions are destined to occur when cells are programmed to produce spike proteins. The human body makes thousands of normal proteins recognized to be our own by the immune system. These proteins maintain housekeeping of the cells, build up structures like muscle, and breakdown other proteins such as digestive enzymes. The beautiful system can go awry when the body recognizes an internal produced protein that is foreign. There are many classes of antibodies and particular attention with respect to respiratory pathogens must be with IgA found in secretions protecting the nasopharynx and urogenital tract. When IgA is aberrantly produced and circulatory in the human body it can attack the lining of blood vessel cells, skin, lungs, and kidneys. Ramdan reported on 12 cases of C19 vaccine induced IgA vasculitis confirmed by skin biopsy with an array of manifestations including kidney damage.
Anti-Spike antibodies were found in one study to function as autoantibodies and attack the body’s own cells. Those who have been immunized with C19 “vaccines” have developed blood clots, myocarditis, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Bell’s Palsy, toxic epidermal necrolysis, and multiple sclerosis flares, indicating that the vaccine promotes autoimmune reactions against healthy tissue. Another study found that “these pathogenic antibodies, through a mechanism of Antibody Dependent Auto-Attack (ADAA), target and bind to host vulnerable cells or tissues such as damaged lung epithelium cells, initiate a self-attack immune response, and lead to serious conditions including ARDS, cytokine release, and death. Moreover, the pathogenic antibodies also induced inflammation and hemorrhage of the kidneys, brain, and heart. Furthermore, the pathogenic antibodies can bind to un-matured fetal tissues and cause abortions, postpartum labors, still births, and neonatal deaths of pregnant mice.” Five more papers discussing homologies between the spike protein and human tissue that could induce autoimmune adverse effects can be found here, here, here, here, and here.
Blood Clots & Fibrous Clots
All C19 “vaccines” cause blood clots [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7] and other blood disorders, not just Johnson & Johnson and AstraZenica, as has been reported. Spike protein damages endothelial cells that line blood vessels—becoming part of the cell wall. The walls are supposed to be smooth so that blood flows smoothly, yet post-vaccination they end up with little spikey bits sticking out, so when the platelet comes through the capillary it suddenly hits all these COVID spikes and inevitably causes clumping and blood clots to block that vessel. So while a C19 infection reduces the oxygen level in your blood, that is readily observable and measurable, vaccination on the other hand, inhibits your capillaries ability to receive oxygen that is delivered to the capillaries throughout the body—and this condition is not as readily observable or detectable. Therefore C19 infection, while expressing acute symptoms, has a relatively low impact of harm or fatality, but C19 “vaccines” have undetectable and chronic symptoms with a relatively high acute impact (since the symptoms initially go undetected).
The FDA has found a statistically significant signal of blood clots in the lungs in elderly people who received the Pfizer mRNA vaccine, but oddly (or not) has yet to warn the public. UK statistics show that in 2022, the number of strokes in young people aged 16-19 rose by 563%! (For all ages strokes were elevated by 127%.) Then in 2023 they rose in that same cohort by 405%. People magazine ran an article about blood clots happening in younger and younger people, including a few reasons young people might typically get blood clots (which amounted to a list of known factors which for some reason are NOT on the same rise, incidentally). That C19 "vaccines" cause blood clots was, oddly, never mentioned in the article. Interestingly, around the same time, the number of other news articles offering completely novel reasons why young people are having strokes and heart attacks exploded in 2022. The reported reasons include energy price hikes, fish oil, cannabis, physical activity, hot summers, cold winters, climate change, aspirin, skipping breakfast, eating breakfast, eating eggs, Peloton, watching TV, showering, napping, sleeping in, going to bed late, gardening, sex, gaming, making the bed, being athletic, being happy, country living, romantic breakups, sarcasm, conservatism (Republicans), and more. In the past it was exceedingly rare for young people to have blood clots or get heart attacks. These days just getting out of bed can apparently cause them.
There have been a few adventurous and gutsy doctors who have systematically tested a large number of their patients to see if there are changes in their biomarkers that might predict this condition. Dr. Charles Hoffe is one of them. He’s been been practicing medicine for 28 years in British Columbia and has reported in 62% of his vaccinated patients a never before seen phenomenon of blood clots occurring at a capillary level—micro-clots too small to show up on CT scans, MRI, and other conventional tests, such as angiograms, that can only be detected using the D-dimer blood test. These micro clots can lead to damage in the brain, heart, lung tissues, and spinal cord, and eventually death.
Embalmers are also finding micro clots, reporting blood that looks “dirty”—as if contaminated with coffee grounds or sand—that clog up capillaries and slowly starve organs of oxygen they need. This can cause heart attack, stroke, bowel infarction and more.
Dr. Ana Mihalcea is another who tests her patients, using a technique called dark-field microscopy to analyze their blood. Like many other clinicians, over the past few years she has been noticing peculiar anomalies in the blood, including the presence of filaments, tiny blinking lights, and the stacking of red blood cells (known as ‘rouleau’ formation). She's also studied fibrous rubbery clots that appear to consist of amyloid or prion-like proteins in the blood of vaccinated people, as have Drs. Arne Burkhart and Sucharit Bhakti from Germany.
Bizarrely, hundreds of embalmers worldwide are finding these entirely new kinds of strange, huge, white fibrous (amyloid) clots—integrated into more typical blood clots—coming out of veins and arteries (something not previously seen) while preparing bodies for funerals. The bodies in which they’re found are people who frequently died of heart attack, stroke, and pulmonary embolism. The phenomenon began directly after the vaccine rollout. None of the embalmers have ever seen anything like this before. As time goes on, the fibrous clots they’re pulling out are proving to be larger and larger. Dr. Ryan Cole posits these are some type of amyloid protein chain, but to date no research has been funded to support further investigation on them (which is medical negligence at best, malfeasance at worst).
Cancer & Latent Viruses
In December 2023, the highly regarded journal Cureus published a remarkable new peer reviewed study listing all the different cancer-promoting (oncogenic) features of the C19 “vaccines.” To repeat, a major journal just published a peer-reviewed paper listing eight different ways the vaccines can cause new cancers or make regressed cancers flare up again. The authors then said that since there was so much evidence the jabs promote cancer, the drugmakers should be forced to prove the shots don’t cause cancer in order to continue.
In June 2024, a new study in Cureus showed that exposure to the Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 vaccine was associated with a > 6-fold increased risk for a certain type of colon cancer.
But even before the mRNA “vaccines” entered the market, significant concerns existed regarding their cancer-causing potential. Despite this, as leaked documents from the EMA (Europe’s FDA) show, Pfizer (and most likely the other manufacturers) was exempted from testing their vaccines for genotoxicity before proceeding to human trials. (As this testing was typically required for any new pharmaceutical and relatively easy to do, it’s likely that Pfizer had discovered their vaccine caused significant genotoxicity and felt their best option was to pretend they had never studied it so they would have plausible deniability when cancers inevitably emerged in the future.)
And guess what? Doctors are now seeing an explosion in new cancers, rare cancers (see also here), aggressive, rapid onset (“turbo”) cancers (see also here, here, here, here, here, here, and here) and late stage cancers, resistant to treatment cancers, and reactivation of dormant and in remission cancers and viruses.
It appears the CDC has been filtering and re-designating cancer deaths as C19 deaths since mid-rollout, to obscure the signal that should be alarming everyone. And yet in the CDC’s own data, there is a category called “all other and unspecified malignant neoplasms,” meaning cancers that had spread to the point that their origin was not identified before death. Across all ages, they rose 11% from 2019 to 2023. Now consider that these deaths rose 18% among 35-to-44-year-olds and 16% among 5-to-14-year-olds in that period. Another study shows there’s been a rise in excess mortality from neoplasms reported as underlying cause of death, which started in 2020 (1.7%) but then accelerated substantially in 2021 (5.6%) and 2022 (7.9%). The increase in excess mortality in both 2021 and 2022 are highly statistically significant (extreme events). Other studies show teenagers and young people in their 20s, 30s and 40s in the U.K. are dying from rapidly metastasizing and terminal cancers at an unprecedented rate since mass C19 “vaccination” began.
The possible mechanisms of action are varied. We do know that mRNA vaccines cause a ‘class switch’ to IgG4 antibodies, and that this specific antibody subclass is associated with more aggressive cancer growth, causing hyperprogressive cancer disease in mice and humans. Mainly the mRNA “vaccines” interfere with the natural immune system, making a person more susceptible to viral infections and cancer. This may explain why most C19 symptomatic infections, hospitalizations and deaths are now occurring among fully vaccinated people.
The spike protein’s S2 segment downregulates two protective cancer suppressing genes (including BRCA) and upregulates 17 genes that CAUSE cancer. The S2 segment has not been found in the body after the infection, however, it is readily produced in large quantities after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. It also destroys the T lymphocytes that reduce overall cancer risk. Experimental evidence shows the spike manufactured from mRNA “vaccines” (though not spike from C19 infection) suppresses our body’s type I IFN (interferon) signaling, which is linked to many disease risks, most notably cancer. By downregulating our body’s IFN signaling, we risk creating a pathway for cancer, along with a proliferation of bacterial and viral infections. Another issue is that this synthetic mRNA (pseudouridine was substituted for uridine) is immunosuppressive. Having this in the body suppresses not only the ability to fight off latent DNA viruses such as shingles, EBV and CMV, and syndromes like MCAS, it is likely to also suppress the ability of the immune system to detect cancer. Cancer genomics expert Phillip Buckhaults has expressed grave concern about the “very real theoretical risk of future cancer in some people" due to rampant DNA contamination in C19 vaccine vials. Another way C19 “vaccines” open the door to cancer growth is they cause T cell suppression and interfere with T cell communication. The “vaccines” cause a drop in protective toll-like receptors 3, 4, 7 and 8, which normally keep dormant viruses from reactivating. This may be why we’re seeing a huge increase in shingles outbreaks, Epstein Barr. herpes, infectious mononucleosis, and the like.
One small, recent study discovered that four vaccinated patients had 505 genes with significantly altered gene expression. This suggests that the vaccines fundamentally dysregulate the normal pathways and chemistry that controls the immune system. For the record, DNA stuff going wrong is often a precipitating cause for the creation of cancerous cells. The “vaccines” seem to have caused runaway immune activation that killed the 4 vaccinated patients in this study, and immune dysregulation is one of the standard causes for cancerous cells to evade immune detection and be able to metastasize.
Dr. Ute Kruger is a researcher and senior physician at Lunds University in Sweden. She’s the Chief of Pathology, a field that she’s worked in for 25 years, with a specialty in breast cancer diagnosis. She’s studied thousands of autopsies and breast cancer samples, and is extremely familiar with the industry. Patient age, tumor size, and malignancy grade are all within her field of expertise and have had a natural rhythm throughout her career. That natural rhythm came to a halt in 2021 once the vaccine rollout began. Dr. Kruger sees vaccination as a trigger for fast-growing tumors and autoimmune diseases. Many other pathologists have reported to Dr. Kruger that they’re seeing an elevation in cancers, cancers in multiple organs, and rare cancers. The average ages of the samples she received dropped, with a rise in samples from people 30-50. It used to be unusual for Dr. Kruger to find a tumor 3cm. Now she’s regularly seeing tumors of 4-12cm. In a shocking anecdote she recently found a 16cm tumor that took up an entire breast. She sees multiple tumors growing in the same patient, sometimes in both breasts. She had 3 cases within 3 weeks of patients with tumors growing in multiple organs. One had tumors in their breast, pancreas, and lungs within months of getting vaccinated. Lastly she’s seen an uptick in patients in remission from their cancer for many years, suddenly getting an aggressive recurrence shortly after vaccination. While Dr. Kruger’s testimony is by nature anecdotal, she is one of many top-level pathologists whose concerns should be taken very seriously and investigated further.
Dr. Michael Goldman, an immunologist and lifelong promoter of vaccines, suspects he might be the “rare, unfortunate exception,” though what makes him so convinced his case is “rare” is anyone’s guess. At 67 he was diagnosed with lymphoma, 6 months after his first vaccination. When his cancer symptoms worsened days after his booster, he went for a scan. Results showed his cancer had exploded 'like fireworks' in less than a week (since his last scan) on the right side of his body—the same side he was jabbed on. After scouring through hundreds of scientific papers he concluded that the worsening of his condition may have been down to the jab. Bizarrely, he’s struggling with the decision of whether to get his 4th jab and continues to encourage others to vaccinate. No word on his concerns (or lack of it) regarding the explosions of similarly aggressive cancers in recently vaccinated patients in the US and all over the world.
Data from the DoD shows cancer rates among military members skyrocketing for breast cancer, GI cancer, pituitary and thyroid cancer, and esophageal cancer. Pathologist Ryan Cole expects to see the increase continue for at least 1-2 more years. (His research has shown spike protein inside every single cancer cell in some of his patients.) Keep in mind that because cancer is a disease generally understood to take months or, more commonly, years to progress from an initial malignant transformation in a cell to development of a clinically recognized condition, we’ve likely seen only the first hint of problems to come. And we will likely never know how many future cancer diagnoses are related to the “vaccine,” only that rates are and will continue to skyrocket, starting directly after the vaccine rollout. A fact that should be investigated but will more likely be shamefully shrugged off as a coincidence by those too fearful or ashamed to investigate the potential causation.
As has been long established [start video at 1:08:30], myocarditis is the most documented adverse reaction from the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. In Pfizer's own trials there was double the number of deaths from cardiovascular issues in the group that got the vaccine. The Israeli Ministry of Health alerted the CDC to a myocarditis safety signal on February 28, 2021. Further studies have shown that vaccine induced heart damage is dose dependent, proving causality. Claims that C19 infection has a higher risk factor—or any risk factor—for myocarditis have been repeatedly debunked (see also and especially here). Despite what doctors and the media have stated confidently for 2 years, SARS-COV-2 causes neither myocarditis, nor pericarditis.).
The CDC received MANY communiques from an array of medical professionals and researchers, pointing to evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines were causing myocarditis. As of January, 2023, even the world’s biggest vaccine cheerleader (and profiteer), Dr. Paul Offit, acknowledges a causal link between the C19 “vaccine” and myocarditis. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) led by Dr. John Skerritt, has been the face of regulatory decisions for Australia during the pandemic crisis. Dr. Skerritt and the TGA have recently admitted that several young previously healthy children died of C19 vaccine induced myocarditis and they willfully concealed it in order to avoid an increase in vaccine hesitancy. A South Korean study showed the mRNAs are far more likely to cause myocarditis than other Covid vaccines. A September 2023 study found nearly all patients who got the jab had some cardiac injury. A number of studies have established the risk of post-vaccine myocarditis as highly stratified by age and gender.
A Cedars Sinai study found that 30% more younger people are now dying from heart attacks than they were before the pandemic. Young people have become the HIGHEST RISK GROUP for dying from a heart attack. The specific point of causality has not yet been identified by scientists, but there is a good chance the method of injection (sans aspiration technique) leads to accidental entry into a vein, then to the heart through blood vessels. Another study suggests adrenaline might be a trigger for sudden cardiac arrest in young people who have been given the C19 “vaccines.” Some scientists also speculate that higher myocarditis rates in males under 40 means it’s related to higher testosterone levels in men. Because of this, some countries offer only one dose to young males. Other countries advise against Moderna in males entirely (due to higher concentrations in their shot and correspondingly higher myocarditis rates from it).
The US does its best to pretend nothing negative is happening at all. Pharma has provided them with multiple manipulated and flat-out fraudulent (and debunked) studies to claim infection-induced myocarditis poses a greater risk compared to the vaccine. (Subjects in the debunked study were far older and of partly the wrong gender than the at risk population.) As for mechanisms of action, Moderna’s chief medical officer recently suggested “it is the spike protein....that either causes a little bit of direct damage to the heart, or antibodies that are produced that react with the heart cells.” This conclusion of his was predicted two and a half years ago by Dr. Byram Bridle, who was promptly censored and vilified in the press over it. (The damage to his career, over this one prediction that turned out to be correct, is incalculable. It hasn’t stopped him from calling out fraudulent studies when he sees them.) More recently, the president of the International Vascular Society expressed grave concerns over the “severe vascular damage” being caused by the C19 “vaccine.” Authors of a new study in 2024 speculate that adjuvants and their known mechanisms of cardiotoxicity may be at work.
What we know is the true incidence of heart damage from the “vaccine” is markedly higher than the incidence reported to US advisory committees. Myocarditis is tissue damage to the heart muscle that’s disruptive to normal cardiac activity. That damage can be completely undetectable in normal circumstances, or present as mild chest pain, but under stress, the heart can suddenly succumb to the pressure and the person can go into cardiac arrest. Tissue damage can be detected by checking troponin levels. If it’s elevated, that indicates damage. One study found it elevated in all subjects after the fourth dose. (You may be asking yourself why Pfizer and Moderna didn’t test troponin levels before and after the rollout. That would be an excellent question—one of many that have yet to be answered. Because damning evidence exists to show they did, but in secret, which is in clear violation of regulations and laws pertaining to deceptive pharmaceutical trade practices.)
Before C19 “vaccines,” incidents of myocarditis were four in one million. They are now 25,000 in one million, and 25% of those affected will die in <5yrs. Clinical myocarditis is never mild—one in four of those patients end up in the ICU, and some need ECMO (a modified heart lung machine) to stay alive. A significant rise in calls to ambulances involving cardiac arrest was seen in England in 2021, an extra 14,000 compared to 2020. The same unexplained increase happened in Canada in 2021 and 2022. Similar data emerged from Israel in the 16–39-year-old age group where there was a 25% increase in heart attacks or cardiac arrests associated with the BioNTech Pfizer vaccine administration but not associated with C19 infection. Vermont had double the number of fatal cardiac arrests in 2022 compared to the pre-pandemic average. One of UK’s most eminent cardiologists, and fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and President of the Scientific Advisory Committee, Dr Aseem Malhotra, believes a link between these additional cardiac arrests and the Pfizer vaccine is credible. After actively promoting the “vaccines” for most of the pandemic, he’s now called for an immediate & complete suspension of all C19 “vaccines" to investigate serious side effects. MIT professor Retsef Levi agrees. In Germany, since vaccines were widely distributed in 2021, myocarditis rates surged more than 75%. In France, myocarditis cases rose 31%—the highest in several years. The increase is so bad in Australia that Melbourne has started installing Defibrillators within 400 meters outside every home, to ensure every resident has easy access. And in South Australia, they just passed a new law requiring defibrillators to be installed in most public and many private buildings. In the October 2022 version of the FAA Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners, the FAA quietly widened the EKG parameters beyond the normal range, by a lot, presumably to keep from having to ground all our recently heart-damaged pilots.
Never in history have young people regularly dropped dead of heart attacks, until now. Past studies put the typical incidents of athletes dropping dead of heart attacks at roughly 3-6 per month. Since the rollout, that figure has jumped to 42 per month—a 7 fold increase. The risk of vaccine-induced myocarditis remains highly elevated for men up to the age of 40. More recently, a huge new study has found the risk of serious myocarditis in men under 40 soars with each dose of a C19 mRNA “vaccine,” and is sharply higher than the risk from infection itself. A Hong Kong study in Circulation unequivocally shows vax-induced myocarditis in adolescents is anything but mild or transient. Another Hong Kong study found that of young persons who had heart damage confirmed by MRI and who underwent a second scan one year later, 58% had residual abnormalities suggesting a scar could be forming in the heart muscle—meaning permanent heart damage. Another recent study found continuing (reoccurring) heart injury post-vaccination—meaning new damage that showed up months after the boys’ initial vaccine damage was detected. Scientists from Harvard & Johns Hopkins found C19 “vaccines” 98x worse than the virus, and called college booster mandates “ethically unjustifiable.” And remember, in healthy males under 40yrs old the risk of dying or even hospitalization from a C19 infection is effectively zero. A December, 2022, study in the Journal of Medical Ethics found the risks of C19 vaccination including serious adverse events (life threatening, hospitalization, and death) and myocarditis far outweigh any theoretical benefits. So why are we subjecting them to a shot with a .05-3.5% rate of heart damage?
There is an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination. A large scale Nordic study evaluated the risk of post-vaccination myocarditis in 23 million Scandinavian residents, and found a 1/5,400 rate of myocarditis after the 2nd Moderna shot. The younger you go, the worse it gets. One study found a 1 in 1,862 rate of myocarditis after the second dose in young men ages 18 to 24. For boys ages 12 to 17, the rate was 1 in 2,650. Countries with active surveillance monitoring of medical data (e.g., Hong Kong) show virtually identical figures. One study out of Thailand found that these shots may cause myocarditis in 1/301 teenagers. The paper also noted that “Cardiovascular effects were found in 29.24% of patients, ranging from tachycardia, palpitation, and myo/pericarditis.” That’s almost one in three young people sustaining heart damage from the shot! So the CDC data of 1/13,157 is surely an undercount, but even worse, that the CDC, NIAID, FDA, etc., have to rely on a Thailand preprint for the first prospective study of cardiac biomarkers indicates mind-boggling negligence.
No one currently knows the long-term significance of the clinical or subclinical myocarditis that is being diagnosed here, but it’s worth noting that he only time cardiologists have ever minimized troponin elevations in the pre-COVID era was around the performance of cardiac procedures that are associated with these elevations. It is absolutely head-spinning to see that the public conversation now is geared to dismiss cardiac injury in young healthy children as “mild.” Administration of a therapeutic requires an understanding of the risks of the therapy being offered. The US has done an unbelievably poor job of defining that risk to the population since myocarditis was first reported as an adverse event in April of 2021.
According to a study from Japan in the Journal of Cutaneous Immunology and Allergy, the spike protein induced by the vaccine weakens the immunity of vaccinated patients who develop cutaneous manifestations, such as herpes, shingles, and necrosis. A separate Chinese study found varicella zoster virus reactivation following C19 vaccination in 318 patients with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases. Both studies found unattached spike proteins swimming around in skin lesions of vaccinated people.
A paper from Seirafianpour et al summarized a stunning 180 papers/reports from the first seven months of the vaccination campaign alone, describing in exhaustive tables the wide range of skin rashes and disorders of the mucosal surfaces (mouth/nose/anus) where the Spike protein from the vaccine and or inflammatory mediators cause dermatological manifestations. There's been a 700% increase in Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (a rare hypersensitivity reaction known to be caused by some other vaccines), ever since C19 vaccinations started. And Swiss doctors report a strong link between the Moderna booster and chronic hives. Both the Australian Government and European Medicines Agency recognize Erythema Multiforme as a Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Injury. There has never been a vaccine that has this degree of well-documented, serious dermatological toxicity.
When the COVID-19 vaccines rolled out, CDC provided a V-safe app where people could record their symptoms. The attorneys who represent ICAN sued CDC to release this data. The V-safe data revealed over 124,000 reports of rashes; 22,000 reports of hives; 11,000 reports of blisters; 3,000 reports of eczema; 2,500 reports of psoriasis; and 1,500 reports of lesions.
Among the many known adverse events (AEs) demonstrated in the Pfizer documents, are skin conditions such as vitiligo, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, dermatitis bullous, dermatitis herpetiformis, and dermatomyositis.
According to VAERS there have been multiple cases of sudden onset Type 1 diabetes, as a result of C19 “vaccination.” There was also a case of diabetic ketoacidosis in a 1-year-old female reported 37 days post dose 2, in the Moderna clinical trial. There are several papers emerging concerning new onset diabetes and diabetic ketoacidosis after taking a C19 shot. Moon and colleagues reported a well characterized case of new onset type 1 diabetes in an adult temporally related to C19 vaccination. A 2024 study showed that for those with existing diabetes the “vaccine” worsened their condition and that 61.1% had impairment of insulin sensitivity.
Eye Disorders
A great many eye disorders including blindness have been reported post C19 mRNA injection. Also nerve palsy, superior ophthalmic vein thrombosis, acute anterior uveitis, acute macular neuroretinopathy, central serous retinopathy, central retinal occlusion, retinal vascular occlusion, and optic neuritis. Dutch belted rabbits injected with PEG400 were reported to have retinal degeneration. And according to a study published by Japanese researchers in the Journal of Clinical Medicine, a number of patients receiving cornea transplants experienced rejections of the cornea tissue following the C19 “vaccines.” (Cornea grafts are considered a much lower-risk transplant procedure than solid organ transplants and tend to have a much lower rejection rate, which is why the researchers were surprised to find a total of 23 eyes from 21 patients who had undergone corneal graft procedures who experienced rejection anywhere from one day to six weeks following vaccination. In some cases, the rejection occurred suddenly after being jabbed despite the cornea graft having held steady for many years.)
Increased Susceptibility to C19 Infection
One possible factor in vaccinated people getting more infections, is that since they were led to believe they had protection many of them took more risks post “vaccination.” But aside from the damage those misleading claims clearly created, a more likely cause is the depletion of their immune systems. The largest population based study comparing natural immunity to vaccine immunity found that fully vaccinated individuals were 6-13x more likely to get infected than previously infected unvaccinated individuals (who had natural immunity). The risk of developing symptomatic C19 was 27x higher among vaccinated compared to the previously infected (who had natural immunity), and the risk of hospitalization was 8x higher. Another peer reviewed study puts the risk of death as 14.5% higher, and a 2023 study showed that vaccination resulted in a 7.19-fold increased risk of hospitalization with C19.
A new Cleveland Clinic pre-print study (as well as this followup study) is the latest to show that the “risk of COVID-19 increased with time since the most recent prior COVID-19 episode and with the number of vaccine doses previously received”—meaning that the more jabs you get the more often and faster you get sick with C19. This effect was even more surprising to researchers in that it was seen not in the elderly but young healthy people with zero comorbidities. What’s more, over a 90-day period, participants with three or more doses faced a risk of catching C19 up to SIX TIMES higher than the baseline. Perhaps most surprising of all, the researchers figured out that unvaccinated and low-vaccinated people were the ones most likely to NOT wear masks, isolate, or otherwise mitigate their risks but, despite being C19 “risk takers,” they were STILL catching C19 less often than their boosted co-workers.
All in all, the study’s authors worked diligently to find SOME effectiveness of the new bivalent vaccine, managing to scrape up a “modest” 30% effectiveness rate. It’s just that two years ago, vaccines with less than 50% effectiveness were not supposed to get FDA approval.
Another study showed that the C19 "vaccine" could make people’s immune systems respond with “tolerance”—which means it would ignore the spike protein altogether, since the body can’t get rid of it—and tolerance of the spike protein could lead to autoimmune disease, cancer growth, and autoimmune myocarditis.
Essentially, efficacy of the mRNA vaccines turns negative after 90 days. A “negative efficacy” means you’re more likely to get infected with C19 than without the vaccine, due to an effect called Antibody Dependent Enhancement (when antibodies facilitate, versus block, entry of the spike protein), a risk regulators were well aware of. This Danish preprint shows a negative efficacy against Omicron, meaning vaccinated are more likely to get Omicron than unvaccinated. One recent Israeli study shows vaccinated are 7x more likely to get infected than C19-recovered (who have robust natural immunity). In the US, Fauci and the gang lied (see also here), claiming that natural immunity was not good enough and that the shots would give the previously infected stronger “hybrid immunity”—a deceptive and completely made-up term. In truth, we now know that the jab will unset and undermine natural immunity. It may also completely retrain and reprogram it in undesirable ways we don’t fully understand.
Immune imprinting is the mechanism by which jabbed people are uselessly mounting much stronger responses to the original Wuhan variant than they are against the new variants, which is strong evidence that their immune systems have been “imprinted” with the archaic version of the virus. Another problem is “original antigenic sin.” In teaching the body to respond to just one part of the virus with one arm of the immune system, we hijack the body’s response when a COVID virus comes along a few months later that has a mutated spike protein. The immune system is fixated on the original spike protein, and its response to the altered virus is impaired. This is a well-known mechanism for several decades, so we should not be surprised when C19 “vaccines” show negative effectiveness after a few months. In fact, there is no correlation showing that vaccinated populations have a lower chance of dying from C19. Quite the opposite, as the higher the vaccination rate in a country or area, invariably the higher the current infection rate.
Inflammation is a destructive mechanism used by the immune system to kill invading pathogens and diseased tissue, not something that you want to randomly provoke anywhere in the body where the C19 “vaccines’” lipid nanoparticles end up. Chronic inflammation leads to a progressive shift in the type of cells present at the site of inflammation and destruction of the tissue from the inflammatory process. The LNPs and PEG used C19 “vaccines” are highly inflammatory. Industrial fats treated with polyethylene glycol (PEG) can cross every membrane in the human body, including the brain. What could possibly go wrong? Well, many studies have detected profound inflammation that likely account for the deaths observed following vaccination. (The original mRNA delivery system with LNPs was purposely designed to cross the blood/brain barrier to deliver tumor necrosis drugs to the brain. Scientists knew back then that the LNP/PEG concoction triggered significant inflammation in brain cancer patients, so much that patients had to be give high dose steroids to counter the inflammatory response.)
An October 202 JAMA article titled “Postapproval Vaccine Safety Surveillance for COVID-19 Vaccines in the US” stated that “AESIs [Adverse Events of Special Interest] are likely to include inflammatory reactions, such as anaphylaxis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, transverse myelitis, myocarditis/pericarditis, vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease, and multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children.” Children who received C19 “vaccines” have a greater risk of multi-system inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C)—a condition where different body parts can become inflamed, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin, eyes, or gastrointestinal organs. MIS-C is a very severe illness with several organs of the affected child failing, with the kids needing hospitalization or even ICU care. Babies born to vaccinated mothers have been diagnosed with MIS-N—Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome-Neonates.
In one observational study of inflammatory markers in patients receiving the mRNA “vaccine” the conclusions were that the mRNA vaccines numerically increase the markers IL-16, Fas, and HGF—all markers previously described by others for denoting inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle. The Hart Group uncovered a role for HMBG1 (which mediates a wide range of intracellular and extracellular inflammatory effects in response to toxic insults ) in a variety of covid and vaccine-related disorders including myocarditis, Guillain Barre, CVST, immune thrombocytopaenia, as well as a link to toll-like receptor 4. Others have suggested toll-like receptor 4 leads to innate immune impairment and potential increased susceptibility to various disorders including neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA damage response and tumorigenesis.
Another study showed that the “vaccine” leads to CNS inflammation. Dr. Aseem Malhotra noted cardiac inflammation associated with the Pfizer “vaccine.” It is also possible the spike protein incites inflammation leading to fibrosis in the tissue holding the bone in the middle ear, the annular ligament, or the oval window, leading to temporary deafness or permanent hearing loss in some people. One study conducted an extensive hearing assessment of patients in Finland after C19 vaccination and compared them to the unvaccinated. The data suggested each successive shot increased risk for hearing loss, however, the most important results are in the supplemental tables which demonstrate the elderly and those with risk factors for hearing loss are pushed over the edge by vaccination. A paper in the peer-reviewed medical literature just came out showing the vaccines, and not COVID, is causing myocarditis and encephalitis (brain inflammation) leading to death. One Korean paper noted "5 Japanese individuals who died of brain bleed post Pfizer mRNA vaccination, 4 of them women.” A collection of brain bleeds (hemorrhagic strokes) in young people following C19 vaccination was recently compiled by Canadian doctor William Makis, MD.
Sucharit Bhakdi and co-workers show compelling evidence of causation from the injection to rapid distribution of the vaccine across the body through the bloodstream, widespread expression of the spike protein, and then autoimmune-like inflammation and organ damage. They state that “vaccine-induced inflammation can cause grave organ damage, especially in vessels, sometimes with deadly outcome.” Also that lymphocytic infiltration, inflammation and destruction were also observed in many other organs, including the brain, the liver, the spleen, and multiple glands.
Kidney / Renal issues
There is extensive literature proving Pfizer & Moderna “vaccines” injure the kidneys (despite Pfizer concluding there’s “no new safety issue”). And there’s been a steady increase in the number of patients presenting with nephrotic syndrome and account kidney injury (AKI) after administration of the C19 “vaccine.” A review by Vudathaneni et al, described 28 published mechanisms of kidney injury and renal damage from COVID-19 vaccination. Most of the pathways involve inflammation from either direct cytokine damage or auto-immunity.
Many cases of renal disease flares after C19 “vaccination” have been reported, including IgA nephropathy, membranous nephropathy, minimal change disease, pauci-immune vasculitis, and antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) positive vasculitis. AKI is another adverse reaction to the C19 “vaccine” that can have severe consequences including end stage renal failure. The occurrence of kidney disease following C19 vaccination can be related to the T-cell-mediated immune response it generates to mRNA, which can trigger podocyte injury.
Long COVID versus Long COVID-like Illness (Long Vax)
The symptoms of Long Covid and COVID vaccine injury syndrome (or “Long Vax”) have a significant overlap and respond to similar treatments. Almost every symptom listed within the diagnostic criteria for “Long Covid” directly overlaps with symptoms commonly reported for vaccination. It is also possible the vaccines have dramatically increased individual susceptibility to C19 infection. A (dismayingly) small number of researchers worldwide are beginning to study whether the biology of Long Covid (itself still poorly understood) overlaps with the mysterious mechanisms driving certain post-vaccine side effects. What they do know is that “Long Vax” is remarkably similar to Long Covid. It’s not as rare as the media claims and the vaccinated are at a statistically higher risk of getting it. We also know that so called “Long COVID” was fairly uncommon in 2020, but suddenly widespread in 2021 after the “vaccine” rollout, making it far more likely that most cases are indeed Long Vax.
Swank et al, from Harvard University, found circulating Spike protein and or nucleocapsid in the blood of 65% of patients with long-COVID symptoms (post-acute sequelae symptoms) some of whom were unfortunately vaccinated even after being sick. These data imply the symptoms are driven by persistent fragments of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and Spike protein from repeated injections. An analysis by Arjun et al, showed that prior vaccination was independently associated with the occurrence of long-COVID. Joung et al, found that anti-spike antibody levels were higher for vaccinated compared to unvaccinated patients and the absolute level was associated with post-acute sequalae or long-COVID-19 syndrome. They postulate that the vaccine may cause aberrant antibodies that do not stop SARS-CoV-2 but rather negatively interact with the ACE-2 receptor which is ubiquitous in the body. Finally, a small 2023 study published in a European journal provided more evidence for Long-Vax, finding vaccine-type spike protein circulating in the blood of two out of 81 patients more than two months after their second injection. (Remember, spike proteins from vaccination were never supposed to end up in the blood at all.) There is also some evidence that microvascular thromboinflammation might be a driver of long COVID pathophysiology.
Let’s back up for a moment and review how all this started. In their trials, pharmaceutical companies measured serum antibody levels immediately following injection. When they found the antibody levels were elevated, they immediately made a whole bunch of wrong assumptions drawn from that lone data point. Their reasoning went like this: If antibody levels increase, then the body is responding to the mRNA-built spike protein, and so other good things MUST happen, like stopping transmission. Not only was that NOT happening, they didn’t look at what happened to antibody levels OVER TIME. Nor did they differentiate between types of antibodies. We already know there’s some kind of problem with the shots, because these vaccines “wane” faster than any other vaccine in history, requiring multiple boosters in the same year, and we also know that the antibodies don’t seem to be keeping up with the variants very well, because now we need “bivalent” vaccines that nobody wants and that have almost no benefit anyway. But a recent study shows how the vaccines are failing: repeated shots and breakthrough infections are suppressing the right kind of antibodies, and are somehow causing bodies to increasingly shift to using the wrong kind of antibody.
You see, TYPE of antibody is far more important than how much antibody there is. In the case of C19, the body first needs IgM, and then IgG3 to neutralize the virus. The problem is, the mRNA “vaccine” doesn’t spur the production of IgM, which is one reason why they fail to stop the transmission and why breakthrough infections occur. That the jabs spur IgG but don’t increase IgM means the IgG3 type has to do work it wasn’t designed for. In fact, the study appears to show that repeated jabs are somehow suppressing the critical IgG3 antibodies (in fact, all the vaccinated subjects’ IgG3 levels fell to ZERO after their third jab in the study), forcing the body to try to compensate with types not designed for respiratory viruses. Furthermore, the more jabs a person gets, the more they spur production of IgG4, an antibody that typically handles proteins from allergens like shellfish, bee venom, pollen, and peanuts—substances the body is meant to tolerate, not obliterate. Which means it’s possible the mRNA “vaccines” are training the body to tolerate unchecked production of the toxic spike protein. Which, if true, would be incredibly damaging to the body, and likely cause or exacerbate conditions like Long-Covid and Long-Covid-like illness. Not to mention altering/diminishing the body’s response to other infections (like, say, RSV or influenza).
It’s worth noting that in June, a study in the NEJM showed that boosted subjects cleared the virus more slowly than unvaccinated people, and that the share of boosted subjects who were still contagious (31%) at day ten was over five times more than the share of still-contagious unvaccinated subject (6%). In other words, out of 100 boosted people who catch C19, 33 will still have live, transmissible virus on day 10. Whereas out of 100 unvaccinated persons, only six still test positive on Day 10—more than five times fewer. And a study on Israeli wastewater showed that large portions of the population have the virus replicating in their guts long after they supposedly “recovered.” The virus, instead of truly being expelled from the body by a functional immune system, persisted in highly vaccinated Israelis.
Neurological Issues
The most common damage done by the C19 “vaccines” is neurologic. The Israeli Ministry of Health did a survey on vaccine injuries and found that 4.5% of people who took the vaccine had neurological issues. The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is capable of injuring and penetrating the blood-brain barrier and entering the brain. The cells spit it out as exosomes that travel along nerve fibers, hook up with the vagus nerve, then proceed up to the brain to cause symptoms of inflammation in the nerves of the brain. There is now abundant evidence that the synthetic lipid nanoparticles travel into the brain and install the genetic code (mRNA or adenoviral DNA) for the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein. As this protein is produced and accumulates in the brain, it can cause inflammation and also fold into an amyloid plaque. Thus, there is strong rationale for some vaccine recipients to develop mild cognitive dysfunction, Alzheimer’s like dementia, and other forms of neurocognitive decline.
It’s wholly unacceptable that vaccine manufacturers and public health authorities did not consider the potential damage to the blood brain barrier and the atrocious consequences on the lives of millions who will ultimately suffer neurodegenerative disorders. The spike may bind to heparin-binding proteins and promote amyloid aggregation, leading to Parkinson’s, Lewy Body Dementia, premature Alzheimer’s, or various other neurodegenerative diseases. Reports of other neurological issues are rampant, including MS, CJD, Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), functional neurological disorder (FND), POTS, ongoing tinnitus (see also here, here, here, and here), prion disease (see also here, here, and here), including Mad Cow, epilepsy, permanent facial palsy, brain inflammation, seizures, shaking, slurred speech, ALS, difficulty swallowing, fainting, brain fog, myalgia, chills, fatigue, head pain, eye pain, deafness, vertigo [2], [3], [4], [5], vertigo with vomiting, and a collection of bizarre neurological symptoms that don’t fit into any easy categorical diagnosis. Doctors predict healthcare systems will be crushed under the burden of this new surge of chronically ill and very complex cases.
It’s worth also noting that vascular disease advances neurodegeneration, and (as explained above, under “Blood Clots & Fibrous Clots”) the spike protein advances vascular disease.
Reproductive Issues
The Pfizer documents reveal twenty terms for variously damaged menses. They reveal harm to the testes and epididymis, harms to the penis and prostate, horrible harm to the ova and ovaries, mechanisms for compromising the placenta, contamination of amniotic fluid, and damage to newborns. Also found in the Pfizer documents are that women suffer 72% of adverse events reported—of which 16% are reproductive disorders. (One of the first safety signals to be ignored was the dramatic increase in menstrual dysregulation, now being reported as over 42% of all women post-C19 “vaccination.”)
Long after the CDC recommended vaccination to pregnant women at all stages of pregnancy, Pfizer finally posted (incomplete) trial results in the summer of 2023. Sadly, based on weak observational evidence (with a lot of missing data), regulators reassured the public that the vaccines are safe throughout pregnancy. Yet we still don’t have reliable evidence on the vaccine’s impact on miscarriages, malformation, fetal deaths, and maternal health risks. The CDC’s own presentation shows that being given a higher-dose Moderna vaccine during pregnancy, almost DOUBLES the chance of neonatal death, compared to women who received the lower-dose Pfizer vaccine. And their statistics prove beyond statistical doubt that the higher dose Moderna vaccine causes 42% MORE miscarriages, compared to the Pfizer vaccine.
Early in 2021 the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology accepted an undisclosed amount of money from the US government (HHS) as part of the COVID-19 Community Corps Program (essentially a government bribe that forced medical organizations to push vaccination). From that point forward, ACOG broke with traditional practice on experimental and novel therapies being contraindicated, and with federal dollars (aka the bribe) in hand, moved to a wholesale endorsement of C19 vaccination with no assurances on short or long-term safety. There were no large scale randomized, placebo-controlled double blind clinical trials demonstrating safety in pregnant women. The non-randomized literature was rife with financial conflict-of-interest bias (since the doctors and editors were likely affiliated with ACOG and influenced by the government’s insane push to promote mass vaccination). ACOG and the OB/GYN community is utterly compromised and putting the maternal-fetal health of women at risk by promoting C19 vaccination.
A recent survey of 6,049 women from May through December 31, 2021, right after most young women got the shot, found 292, or 4.8%, of the respondents self-reported a case of decidual cast shedding (DCS). DCS is a rare gynecological disorder in which a woman sheds her entire uterine lining intact through the vaginal canal as if she were having menstrual bleeding. We know that the LNPs—which their manufacturers boast can cross every membrane in the human body—cross the placenta and the blood brain barrier of both mother and baby. A new study finds that both asymptomatic infection with SARS-CoV-2 and C19 vaccination, but especially the latter, appear to deplete the blood stem cell reservoir of fetuses and newborns. A Cell magazine article showed that C19 “vaccines” destroy all-important hematopoietic (blood-related) stem cells responsible for the development of immunity and much more. While these hematopoietic stem cells are somewhat mysterious and have many uses, they are protective against severe outcomes in RSV. And a pattern is emerging of babies born to vaccinated mothers with “White Lung” and dysfunctional breathing often leading to death.
Doctors, health authorities, and mainstream media aggressively pushed for vaccinating pregnant women. Considering the sensitive nature of pregnancy, the odds of C19, and the life-defining stakes, this is the sign of a truly dystopian society. Where has the Precautionary Principle gone? Pregnant women aren’t supposed to eat blue cheese, but can get injected 13 to 50 billion lipid nanoparticles—repeatedly—intended to hack healthy cells and produce innumerable toxic spike proteins, while their body undergoes its most incredible and sensitive biological transformation? In truth, the danger to pregnant women from these shots can’t be overstated. No study has ever been done to prove the shots safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women, or their babies. There were no reproductive toxicity trials whatsoever (only insufficient, extremely short studies on rats, done by researchers with financial conflicts of interest.) And maternal death rates are up sharply since the “vaccine” rollout.
Since the rollout, fetal harms, miscarriages, premature births, stillbirths, and IVF issues are all up at record levels. There was a 78% miscarriage rate in one section of the Pfizer documents (though that section of the study was done so sloppily it’s hard to extract too many assumptions based on it. That said, in that same document 46% of pregnant women experienced other adverse events.) In the most comprehensive safety comparison to date between C19 vaccines and influenza shots among pregnant women, there was a 177-fold increase in fetal loss which includes miscarriage in the first trimester. Newborn baby deaths in Scotland are at their highest levels in 10 years. In Iceland stillbirths and first-year infant deaths nearly doubled. Several Israeli hospitals saw similar trends in infant mortality, stillbirths, and miscarriages.Sweden’s birthrate has dropped at around 7% per year since the “vaccine” rollout. Germany is experiencing a strange decline in births, totally inconsistent with their experience in recent years, that continues in 2023. In Stockholm, during the first quarter of 2022, birth rates plummeted by 14% (and continued to through November, 2022). The Netherlands have been experiencing a continuing downward trend in births that noticeably escalated exactly nine months after the C19 "vaccinations" started for 15-50 year olds (data perfectly consistent with that of Germany and Sweden). Births in England are collapsing. In Zurich, Switzerland, births declined 31%. In Australia, in October (9 months after the rollout began) births went down 10%, then in November by 21%. In Alberta, stillbirths are up 55%. In North Dakota births are down 12%. In Taiwan, down 23%. To this day, not a single government has attempted to follow up on these safety signals and determine what is indeed causing these decreases.
Vaccinated mothers shed mRNA into their breastmilk. (Concentrations varied widely and more studies are desperately needed.) Even Pfizer documents include cases in which four women’s breastmilk turned blue-green, and one of their babies had seizures and died after nursing post-vaccination. PEG is toxic and not meant to be ingested in the bodies of anyone, let alone infants. Other symptoms found in VAERS reports of babies injured by nursing from vaccinated mothers include neurological symptoms, narcoleptic symptoms, febrile syndromes, organ damage, and brain damage. Many babies showed agitation, gastrointestinal distress, and failure to thrive (to grow), and were inconsolable. The Pfizer documents also show that some vaccinated mothers had suppressed lactation, or could produce no milk at all.
The long-standing golden rule of pregnancy has NEVER allowed unknown substances to EVER be used in pregnancy. Anything that causes inflammation in pregnancy can be extremely dangerous, potentially causing all kinds of damage, death, and destruction. We've known this for half a century. Dr. James Thorp, a Board-Certified Obstetrician Gynecologist and Maternal Fetal Medicine Physician with over 43 years of obstetrical experience and 200 publications, has seen over 22,800 high risk pregnancies in the past three years. He has served as a reviewer for major medical journals, has served on the Board of Directors for the Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine, and also served the American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology. He calls what’s happening the worst disaster and most egregious violation of ethics in the history of medicine. He reports an increase in menstrual abnormalities by 1192-fold, miscarriage by 75-fold, fetal malformation by 20-fold, fetal cardiac disease by 16-fold, fetal growth restriction by 25-fold, oligohydramnios (low amniotic fluid) by 16-fold, preeclampsia by 24-fold, and fetal death by 38-fold.
A recent study from January 2024 found that pregnant rats injected with the Pfizer BNT162b2 vaccine had male progeny in particular, that tended to have concordant neurodegenerative changes with impaired behaviors on standardized testing. In other words, the rat babies exhibited autism like features.
Adam Urato, a maternal-foetal medicine specialist at MetroWest Medical Centre, Massachusetts, says that we will look back with regret at how public health authorities treated pregnant women. “Vaccine mandates were a really cruel, uncompassionate, and inhumane way to treat pregnant women. The community needs to really learn from this awful episode and make sure nothing like this happens again.”
Given all the above, how the hell does the CDC justify pushing these “vaccines” on pregnant women and their babies??
We were told these injections were perfectly safe for men as well, when in fact the damage to men’s fertility is astonishing. Firstly, Pfizer forbade trial participants from participating in unprotected intercourse for the duration of the trial—knowing, it would seem—that the components of their “vaccine” could end up in their semen and eventually be passed onto their partners. In fact their shots do result in “anti-sperm antibodies” that treat sperm as an “invader” and damage or kill it. Other aspects of male reproductive damage, pointedly, weren’t studied, however early rollout reports of impotence, erectile dysfunction, and multiple prostate problems were found in an untitled Pfizer adverse events document. The FDA was alerted to these problems in April, 2021, but remains silent on it to this day. Pfizer vaccine ingredients permeate the testes and affect the epididymis, the Sertoli cells (the “nurse” cells of the testicles), the Leydig cells (primary sources of testosterone in males) and the germ cells. In other words, beyond just suppressing sperm count and sperm motility, the injections damage baby boys’ and small boys’ and teenage boys’ ability to grow up normally in terms of the development of masculinity itself.
Reverse Transcription of the Genome
We have been told that these “vaccines” cannot be integrated into the human genome, because messenger RNA cannot be turned back into DNA. This is false. There are elements in human cells called LINE-1 retrotransposons, which can indeed integrate mRNA into a human genome by endogenous reverse transcription. Because the mRNA used in the vaccines is stabilized, it hangs around in cells longer, increasing the chances for this to happen. If the gene for SARS-CoV-2 Spike is integrated into a portion of the genome that is not silent and actually expresses a protein, it is possible that people who take this “vaccine” may continuously express SARS-CoV-2 Spike from their somatic cells for the rest of their lives.
In one mouse study, the gene alterations caused by the C19 “vaccine” in the mother's system appeared in the next 4 litters of her babies. A recent study by MIT and Harvard scientists demonstrates that segments of the RNA from the coronavirus itself are most likely becoming a permanent fixture in human DNA. A recent laboratory study in Sweden indicates that the Pfizer- BioNtech C19 vaccine is able to enter a human liver cell line where it is reverse transcribed into DNA within 6 hours. As a result, the possibility that the COVID-19 vaccines affect DNA cannot be ruled out.
In a more recent study, researchers studied 50 covid-naive (never infected) patients with long covid symptoms who’d gotten at least one of the covid vaccines. They extracted immune cells from 14 post-vaccine patients, finding that almost all of them (13) had spike protein in their immune cells—up to 245 days after their last jab. (Asymptomatic vaccinees showed no spike.) Remember, they promised the mRNA spike could not possibly persist in the body for 245 days (or more). The mRNA was supposed to completely clear within hours, since that mRNA is very delicate and is quickly metabolized. But of course, the jabs don’t use natural mRNA, which is, in fact, delicate. Instead the jabs use super-sturdy artificial mRNA, which was basically designed to last forever. And somehow, the people’s own immune cells got transfected by jab mRNA—something else that was never supposed to happen.
If the mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA, this is more evidence to suggest the potential for the mRNA to become integrated into the human genome, with unknown consequences. Meaning some people can end up with a permanent DNA version of the spike protein code that can reproduce and be passed onto future generations.
Perhaps worse of all is that we now know that vaccine vials are contaminated with DNA (see also here and here). And that thanks to the LNP delivery system inherent in the “vaccines” this DNA, there is a reasonable chance that some of this is going to get into cells, and then integrate into the genome of cells.
Thyroid Dysfunction
There has been a flood of anecdotal reports on social media of thyroid dysfunction and new thyroid diseases following COVID-19 mRNA vaccination, for both Pfizer and Moderna. A new Japanese study by Morita et al., of 70 healthcare workers showed increased thyroid auto-antibodies following 2 Pfizer jabs as well as booster shot. It shows an increase of thyroid auto-antibodies after every Pfizer mRNA dose. The authors suggest it may be due to “molecular mimicry of the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines encoding proteins that may cross-react with thyroid antigens” which results in auto-antibodies being produced against your thyroid gland.
Vaccine Shedding
This leads us to the question of “vaccine shedding” (see also here)—meaning the passing on of spike protein through bodily fluids, skin cells, and breath or oral droplets. There is not much data yet on spike protein shedding (though the bulk of it is compiled here) but it is not a far stretch to understand this is well within the realm of reality. The pivotal questions are: 1) for how long is a recently vaccinated person at risk to shed on to others? 2) can shed mRNA be taken up by the recipient and begin to produce Spike protein just like vaccination? 3) can shed Spike protein cause disease as it does in the vaccinated (e.g. myocarditis, blood clots, etc.)?
A 2024 analysis indicated specific circumstances of grave concern include the possibility of secondary exposure to vaccine particles via bodily fluids through the following routes of exposure: blood transfusion, organ transplantation, breastfeeding, and possibly other means.
One example of potential shedding is the startling increase in reports of reproductive issues following vaccination. In light of this, the Informed Consent Action Network’s attorneys recently wrote a letter to federal health agencies demanding to know why Americans were not given the same strict instructions regarding C19 vaccines and reproduction that Pfizer gave its clinical trial participants. In the letter, ICAN’s attorneys point out that Pfizer elected to implement very strict protocols around reproduction in its C19 clinical trial, including requiring males to abstain from donating sperm and from heterosexual sex with women of childbearing potential unless they agreed to use a condom and a “highly effective method of contraception” for “at least 28 days” after their last shot, banning women of childbearing potential entirely unless they were “using an acceptable contraceptive method” for at least 28 days after their last shot, and banning pregnant or breastfeeding women. Unfortunately, as the letter points out, post-marketing studies now show pregnancy and menstrual abnormalities, impairment of semen concentration and mobility and, worst of all, an increased incidence of spontaneous abortion associated with C19 vaccination. In light of this, ICAN’s letter asked three pointed questions, including a request for an explanation as to why federal health agencies, instead of giving the same strict study protocol instructions to the American public, went the opposite direction and strongly promoted that everyone 6 months and older receive a C19 vaccine as soon as eligible – including pregnant and breastfeeding women.
The 2015 FDA guidance on Gene Product Shedding Studies with gene therapies, which are defined as “all products that exert their effects by transcription and/or translation of transferred genetic material and/or by integration into the host genome and that are administered in the form of nucleic acids, viruses or genetically modified microorganisms”. By this statement mRNA vaccines are indeed gene therapy products and should have been submitted to these excretion studies by DARPA funded researchers long ago.
Excess Deaths & SADS
Multiple insurance data reports have recently revealed huge and unprecedented death rate increases, in 2021, for working age people in the US, as well as Germany. An Indiana insurance executive dropped a bombshell statistic during an end-of-year virtual news conference, reporting a “stunning” 40% increase in the death rate among 18- to 64-year-old adults compared to pre-pandemic levels. Millennials (who are not particularly at risk of C19 to begin with) have seen the highest increase in excess mortality. Most of the death claims listed the causes of death as something other than COVID. One insurance executive rated the extraordinarily high death rate as “the highest…we have seen in the history of this business,” adding the trend is “consistent across every player in that business.” One insurance analyst found a 7% increase in mortality for each vaccine dose received, so a “fully vaccinated” individual who took 5 doses increased their risk of [premature] death by 35%. He strongly advocates for increased screening as a way to save lives and keep from devastating the insurance industry. After a German insurance company, showed an estimated 31,000 deaths from the C19 vaccines, Andreas Schöfbeck, board member of insurance company BKK ProVita, said, “The figures we have found are substantial and demand urgent verification.” Again, these are working age people, not the elderly.
Insurance companies employ the best actuaries in the business. Life insurance companies would therefore be expected to have very clear and reliable documentation of trends in excess deaths were they occurring. Well, they are occurring. It’s a massive canary to see drop dead in the coal mine and warrants immediate and serious attention.
In June 2024, German researchers published an important preprint study that showed the strongest statistical analysis yet linking covid jab rates to untimely deaths. The researchers crunched health and mortality data for Germany’s sixteen states, including vaccination records. Specifically, they compared the number of deaths with pre-pandemic population tables and pre-pandemic life expectancy trends. Finding off-the-charts numbers of excess deaths, they compared those rates from each German state to a constellation of other state-level variables. The researchers found a strong statistical correlation between excess dead Germans and mRNA vaccination rates— starting in year three, when the jabs were supposed to be stopping people from dying. The scientists compared over-large death rates against everything else they could think of, like healthcare levels, gross domestic product, average age, covid infection, poverty rates, and lots of other types of illnesses. (During that wide-ranging analysis, something else unexpected leaped out of the data. The scientists discovered another strong correlation between jab rates and stillbirths. In fact, the chart comparing jabs versus stillbirths was nearly identical to the chart comparing jab rates to excess deaths. Because the scientists could link two different deadly outcomes to jab rates, the likelihood of any other possible cause becomes vanishingly small.)
As previously mentioned, the VAERS (vaccine injury reporting) database has an underreporting factor somewhere around 50 (with other estimates as high as 100). It’s set up not to prove causation but to highlight any safety signal that needs to be investigated and acted upon. The investigation hasn’t happened, and yet this is what the VAERS death data looks like as of this writing.
Regardless of the sad fact that the CDC, the agency most responsible for examining safety signals, defines their algorithm using a nonsensical mathematical formula that hides nearly all serious problems, even a two year old could see something seriously amiss in the above graph.
The rest of this section is a short sampling of stats, about which I could easily write an entirely separate Substack post:
The number of military deaths from the vaccines is about 50% higher than the deaths from C19 itself. Military cadets are dying suddenly in record numbers. Funeral homes are seeing a noticeable uptick in business. So are casket manufacturers. There is an astronomical increase in athletes dying of sudden cardiac arrest since the summer of 2021 that is wholly without precedent. There is a worldwide baby “die off” at record levels, as indicated from data coming out of the Jewish Orthodox community, Israel, Japan, Thailand, Ontario, Scotland, Iceland, England (see also here), Switzerland, Germany, France, and more than a dozen other countries. (Romania’s decline rate is highest at 18.8%.) Oddly (or not) the CDC posts birth data only through 2020, as do many US states.
In Australia, excess mortality skyrocketed in late 2021. New Zealand in 2022 did as well. In 2023, New Zealanders started dying at excess rates of 25% of normal. Alberta, Canada, is reporting an unprecedented increase in ill-defined and unknown causes of death in 2021. In 2022 Canada’s rate of excess deaths rose by 17%. Nova Scotia’s excess deaths for 2022 were 1 in 1,000 of the population. Excess mortality is on the rise all over India. Singapore's 2022 data is an absolute disaster, with a 10.4% death increase recorded over the previous year, the largest in 62 years since it started record keeping. Austrian official government statistics show a 33% increase in mortality for ages 15-24. Norway has had an excess mortality in 2022 that is more than 10% higher than normal. "We never have less than 100 patients every day. They are well grown people with all kinds of ailments. We don't understand why,” says Jørn Einar Rasmussen, leader in the Norwegian organization for Emergency medicine. Slovakia Prime Minister Robert Fico ordered an investigation into C19 “vaccines” after 21,000 excess deaths were announced in Slovakia since 2020. For the month of July 2022, In Iceland, one of the most compliant nations with the shot, their excess mortality rate above the five-year average was 56%. Greece had a whopping 24.3% more deaths than normal in August, 2022 (and Cyprus had a large jump in 2021). Finland had an excess death rate of 16.3%. Germany had an excess death rate of 16.5% (see also here and here). (Interestingly, German data shows a SIGNIFICANT association of booster rates with excess mortality when broken down by region.) Spain, with 48,000 deaths, was the European Union country with the highest excess mortality between March and June of 2022, compared to the average for the same period in the previous four years. A Dutch researcher found a very strong statistical correlation between the dual vaccine rollouts and increased all-cause mortality—in other words, he found spikes of deaths around the two big jab pushes in his country. A study in the Netherlands found significant temporal correlations between vaccination and excess all cause mortality in the high risk elderly. In a December 2023 study from Japan, there was a sharp temporal relationship to when the mRNA was injected and the time of death for both men and women. These data have the same appearance and fractions of causes of death as those published by Hulscher et al in the largest global autopsy study thus far. In another study, the only country that had negative mortality was Bulgaria, coincidentally (or not) the least vaccinated country of the 28 studied. In the same study, Chile had the highest excess mortality, coincidentally (or not) after giving out more boosters than it has citizens, due to multiple boosters taken per person. Haiti and Yemen have some of the lowest vaccination rates in the world and also the lowest all cause mortality.
Deaths among teenagers have increased by 47% in the UK since they started getting the “vaccine” according to official ONS data. Another analysis puts that figure at 56%. An investigation of official ONS data has revealed that since the C19 “vaccine” was offered and administered to kids in England and Wales there has been a 89% rise in deaths among male children against the five-year-average, with the most recent week seeing an increase as high as 200%. The increase in excess deaths in young UK adults for 2022 continued to be huge and unexplained. Exposé News charted horrifying data on outcomes in children. Put simply: vaccinated kids in Britain are astronomically more likely to die from C19 or from any cause than unvaccinated kids. WAY more likely.
The HART group, a UK organization of medical professionals, released an Open Letter to the MHRA Regarding Child Death Data, to demand an immediate, urgent investigation to determine whether the vaccines are the cause of significant numbers of deaths seen recently in male children and young adults. The esteemed World Council for Health held a press conference in September, 2022, stating that the C19 vaccines must be withdrawn. The German federal parliament Vice President, Wolfgang Kubicki, is calling for an autopsy for those who died shortly after receiving the vaccine. Kubicki thinks it is essential that every unexplained death that occurs within 14 days after a C19 vaccination is automatically registered as a suspected case, saying investigating a “link between vaccination, myocarditis, and death is imperative.” (Absurdly, Italian doctor Valerio Petterle was suspended for suggesting the very same thing.) Leading British Member of Parliament, Andrew Bridgen called for an investigation into the clear cut relationship between vaccination and excess deaths. Dr Charles Levinson, the chief executive of the private GP company DoctorCall, also called for a government inquiry into what was causing so many deaths at home. A group of five senior Swedish doctors describe the mRNA shots as “obviously dangerous” and say there should be an immediate halt to mass vaccination pending thorough investigations. In September, 2022, over 400 doctors, scientists and professionals from more than 34 countries declared an international medical crisis due to “diseases and death associated with the ‘COVID-19 vaccines.” In January, 2023, world eminent cardiologist and president of The International Congress for Advanced Cardiac Sciences. Prof. Abdullah Alabdulgader called for suspension of mRNA jab due to cardiac harm concerns. Dr. Richard Ennos, a retired Professor of Evolutionary Biology at Edinburgh University, has undertaken a thorough analysis of the UK’s C19 Yellow Card vaccine adverse event data and found it indicates “unequivocal safety signals” for adverse reactions caused by the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines affecting the blood, the heart and female reproduction. He concludes that: “There can be no question that the mRNA vaccines should be withdrawn with immediate effect.” In 2022 Univ. Prof. Dr. med. Diether Schönitzer, a blood specialist, spoke out against the proposed Austrian C19 mandatory vaccination law, saying the vaccines harm people--causing autoimmune disease and reactivation of dormant viruses--then called out experts who look the other way on these harms. In January 2023 a joint open letter was written from Doctors for Patients UK, HART (Health Advisory and Recovery Team) and the UK Medical Freedom Alliance, co-signed by 99 doctors and medical professionals, concerning allegations that the British Heart Foundation (BHF) is involved in concealing and withholding important information relating to harms to cardiac function caused by the "vaccine." A group of Japanese researchers led by Professor Masanori Fukushima are suing their government, because the Health Ministry refuses to acknowledge the causal link between vaccines and deaths. Every day it seems more and more scientists and cardiologists are speaking out to “stop the shots.”
The graph below shows 6.25yrs of German “sudden death” data. Notice the minuscule rise during 2020, the year of the deadly “pandemic” compared to 2021, the year of the “vaccine” rollout. (The source is the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians which insures 72 million lives. Remember that if actuaries, in contrast to public health authorities, make a mistake, they and the companies they work for face consequences—including bankruptcy.)
Another recent analysis on dozens of countries showed a statistically significant linear correlation between vaccination rates and excess mortality, with significant and high R² values. Given that C19 is reducing and near absent near the end of this period this suggests a strong causal effect of the vaccines.
The Canadian public-interest research group Correlation published a recent study titled, “COVID-19 vaccine-associated mortality in the Southern Hemisphere" showing that not only did the jabs not save lives, but the shots consistently appeared to be killing people in large numbers. In another study, the authors scoured data for a correlation between two rates—the vaccination uptake rate and the excess death rate—as reported by 31 European countries when compared against each other. What they found should be inarguable and should lift the conversation to a whole new level: for every 1% increase in a country’s vaccination rate, there was a corresponding 0.1% increase in the excess death rate starting 12 months later. The authors didn’t stop there. They also controlled for various variables and factors, and in every scenario the statistical correlation between jabs and deaths “remained robust.” Meaning they calculated the same result, regardless of how they looked at the numbers. In fact, the two rates—vaccination and delayed-excess death—look like they could be twins.
Another excellent visual can be found in data from Japan.
In the US, the Social Security Death Master File showed a 60% increase in the all-cause death rate in September 2021 vs. September 2020 for ages 18 to 55. Mortality for the third quarter of 2021 was 51% higher for 25-54 year olds than for the same period in 2015-2019 (the pre-COVID era). The same number for all age groups combined is 30%—so almost one third more people died in America last summer than is normal for our country. Americans are currently experiencing their lowest life expectancy since 1996 (the biggest drop in 100 years), according to a new government analysis—in large part due to increased mortality in younger people with heart disease. There is a considerable amount of excess mortality associated with the “vaccines” in both Massachusetts and Vermont. Florida data analyst, Kyle Lamb, charted excess deaths in the US by month and age bracket, clearly showing that younger folks are suffering worst, with up to +40% non-COVID excess mortality compared to 2019 levels. One Detroit news station asked viewers on their Facebook Page to direct message them if they lost a loved one to C19 after refusing to get vaccinated. What they got instead were hundreds of thousands of comments about the deaths of loved ones immediately after taking the “vaccine.”
Reports of sudden deaths have become so common a new syndrome was invented: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS). You’d be forgiven for not hearing about it before now, because despite that this is the exact type of story mainstream media typically reports on to death (no pun intended), they’re not touching it other than to try obscure, normalize, and otherwise provide ridiculous explanations for the phenomenon. And no one is investigating it—because that’s seems like a normal response to a completely novel and off the wall sudden death phenomenon, right? (It’s not. It’s absolutely not.)
If the vaccines are safe and effective there should be no doubt, because we'd see excess deaths in the unvaccinated (while likely seeing few or none in the vaccinated), but we aren't. Instead data sbow a significant increase in all cause mortality in vaccinated people. These deaths are not only not C19 related by they are in younger age groups and primarily cardiac issues. None of this should be surprising since in Pfizer's own trials there was a higher number of deaths. Now, the number of excess vaccinated deaths was not statistically significant, however keep in mind Pfizer subjects were all exceptionally healthy and relatively young. Transposed onto the wider (less healthy & young) world population the significant increases in all cause mortality that we’re seeing makes perfect sense.
Remember, a novel biological product is presumed dangerous unless and until it is proven to be safe. If we were to see an increase in deaths or injuries that began with the vaccine rollout (which we clearly are), on what basis can it be denied that the vaccines are not potentially the cause?
Liability Protection & the Childhood Vaccination Schedule
The CDC childhood schedule has never been tested for safety. There have never been double-blind studies. It’s never been tested for synergistic effect. They’ve refused to study un-vaccinated versus vaccinated.
In the 1980s, 12.8% of children had one or more chronic conditions. Today, it’s almost 60%. What explains this nearly five-fold increase in chronic health conditions in the space of a generation? A large body of evidence suggests that the culprit is the more than threefold increase in vaccines on the childhood schedule that occurred over that same time period.
Chronic conditions in children have soared—life threatening allergies, ADHD, autism, autoimmune disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders, childhood cancers, diabetes, epilepsy, sudden infant (SIDS) and sudden adolescent death syndrome, to name a few, have all skyrocketed perfectly in line with the increase in the childhood vaccine schedule. Unvaccinated children are far less likely to have a host of health issues. (It’s worth noting here that there are roughly 800,000 completely unvaccinated individuals in the US—including being unvaccinated with the childhood schedule. In these wholly unvaccinated people, only 5% have any type of chronic illness, and if you remove the children of mothers who were vaccinated during their pregnancy it's a mere 2%.)
Why did the number of childhood vaccines increase so much starting in the 80s? Because in the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, vaccine manufacturers were given complete protection from all liability, so they quickly tripled the vaccine schedule. No other country in the world mandates anything close to what the US does, and no other industry in the world has the same protections as the vaccine industry—much less for something injected into your body (containing ingredients the human body was never designed to deal with). Federal law mandates that HHS send bi-annual reports to Congress outlining steps taken to enhance the safety of childhood vaccines. Shockingly, not a single report has been filed. Ever. HHS freely admits it has never filed a required report with Congress and, even more disturbingly, disbanded the task force in 1998.
Further federal legislation sped up licensing of vaccines and removed liability from the manufacturers for all vaccines recommended by CDC for pregnant women, and new, potentially unlicensed products used during declared emergency situations. And yet the adverse effect (injury) profile of drugs and vaccines is generally not well known until millions of people have received the drug or vaccine. So, once injured—whether it happens immediately or over time—these victims have zero recourse. Unless fraud can be proven, no American who accepted a mRNA injection during the C19 pandemic can sue for damages or compensation of any kind. They’re 100% on their own. Once the emergency situation is declared over, the complete liability protection may become less robust (or not), however, almost three years after C19 hit American shores, the emergency order hasn’t been revoked (despite there clearly being no emergency anymore, nor anything close to it). It will have to be cancelled at some point, of course, which is why the vaccine manufacturers are desperate to get their experimental gene therapy product on the childhood schedule (their Advisory committee voted to do so, in August 2021) where they can once again enjoy complete liability protection (at the cost of your children’s health and wellbeing, and potentially their life).
Can you conjure up a worse example of fascism than denying schooling to children who don’t get a dangerous injection that is 100% exempt from liability and shielded from all market controls? Remember, healthy children don’t need C19 “vaccines”—especially for kids under 12 when the risks of going without are trivial to nonexistent. And most have natural antibodies.
It’s important to understand that there are major gaps of understanding within immunology. In part because it is so incredibly complex, but also partly because the entire discipline has been shaped around developing an understanding of the immune system for the purpose of creating pharmaceutical products that work on the immune system. The human immune system is wondrous, more sophisticated than any man-made product, and not well understood by so-called “experts.” One of the often unappreciated consequences of standard vaccination is that while it may improve the body's resistance to a specific strain of a pathogen, it simultaneously often impairs many normal functions of immunity. As a result, the unintended consequence of many vaccination campaigns are other infectious diseases and cancers becoming more common within the population. These occurrences are often difficult to detect, rarely considered in the design and evaluation of vaccines, and almost never tested for.
Safety trials are not like drug trials. Some last only 48 hours, no placebo is used, no safety test of the entire schedule has ever been done and no test of cross reaction between various ingredients has been done. Far from advanced (which in 2024 the industry FINALLY admitted to), vaccine safety studies are so crude they would fail any Statistics 101 class in any college in America. They cannot possibly answer the question they are trying to tackle because their methods are too basic. Vaccine safety studies contain no biology, no chemistry, and vanishingly little statistics. Their findings impact the health of 95% of the children in the developed world. Yet the field itself is stunted and basic—at least 100 years behind their colleagues in the physical sciences or even the quantitative branches of the social sciences.
Also, in 1979, the WHO and the CDC redesigned the ICD coding list—International Classification of Diseases—and erased any possibility for the world’s coroners to label a cause of death related to vaccination! You heard me. A coroner has no code to input if he/she believes someone died of a vaccine. Yet whenever someone questions any part of the official vaccine narrative, no matter how reasonable the point, they are immediately attacked to the degree that highly regarded scientists & medical professionals have lost their careers for challenging vaccine dogma. But in the wake of the C19 fiasco it’s well beyond time to take a closer look as vaccines in general. Yet whenever someone questions any part of the official vaccine narrative, no matter how reasonable the point, they are immediately attacked to the degree that highly regarded scientists & medical professionals have lost their careers for challenging vaccine dogma. But in the wake of the C19 fiasco it’s well beyond time to take a closer look as vaccines in general.
Civil engineers, not vaccines, produced the large gains in life expectancy over the 20th century. About 90% of the decline in infectious disease mortality among US children occurred before the introduction of mass vaccination campaigns (Guyer et al. 2000). The large gains in life expectancy over the twentieth century were mostly the result of the construction of water and sewer systems, improvements in food safety, hand washing, improvements in housing, and reduced overcrowding in US cities. The best vaccine safety data set in the world shows that all vaccines on the US childhood schedule produce more harms than benefits.
Another shocking fact most people are ignorant of, is that vaccine safety studies never use true placebos. They almost always look at children who have received the full vaccine schedule as compared with children who have received the full schedule +1 more vaccine. And on that basis, they decide whether the 1 additional vaccine is safe. There is no unvaccinated control group. This “method” is literally akin to studying the inebriating effects of 17 tequila shots against 16 tequila shots. And the American public lets them get away with it, mostly because they’re largely—and I’d argue willfully—ignorant of it. What’s more, pharmaceutical companies do not control for hundreds of other variables that influence health and disease. There are zero risk/benefit studies done of any childhood vaccine (comparing true placebo control groups). Despite what Pharma claims, this would absolutely not be unethical, since it could be done as easily as comparing medical records for millions of vaccinated versus unvaccinated (or partially vaccinated) individuals. None of them are bothering to do it and not nearly enough people are demanding that they do it.
Regardless, we do know that there is a high statistically significant correlation between increasing number of vaccine doses and increasing infant mortality rates. In fact, prior to contemporary vaccination programs SIDS (“crib death”) was so rare it wasn’t mentioned in infant mortality statistics. Studies have found an 8-fold increase in death 3 days after the DPT vaccine. Another found increased overall mortality after all DPT vaccines. In 2021, attorney Aaron Siri wrote a letter to the UN asking them to stop using it. The letter shows evidence of the DTP vaccine increasing child mortality by TEN TIMES. Injury reports following the HPV vaccine are legion (which are also not tested against true placebos). Experts have been silenced for decades, including in vaccine court by the DOJ. Whistleblowers are ignored by Congress. Despite what you’ve surely heard there are multiple studies showing causation from vaccines to autism (also here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and especially here), and none showing the opposite. Some flawed (by design), misleading, and fraudulent studies exist but cannot be trusted. In fact the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) sued the CDC in federal court for proof that they had studies to back their claims that vaccines don’t cause autism, but since the CDC had none ICAN won that lawsuit.
As for the MMR vaccine, Andrew Wakefield was right, and that’s why the CDC ordered William Thompson—arguably the most ignored whistleblower in history—to destroy all the data they had linking vaccines and autism. Because they don’t want you to ever find out. (In 2014, senior CDC scientist, William W. Thompson contacted biologist and autism researcher, Dr. Brian Hooker, as well as US Congressmen Bill Posey to state that his colleagues at the CDC had, in fact, documented evidence of a link between the early administration of the MMR vaccine and autism—especially in African American boys—but had chosen to destroy the evidence. Instead of publishing their true findings, they presented a paper with an altered dataset that concealed the link. Thompson had his name removed as one of the authors and eventually his guilty conscience spurred him to become a whistleblower.) Meanwhile pediatricians—who simply go along with their extremely limited and Pharma funded “education” on vaccines—receive generous kickbacks from insurance companies to get all their patients vaccinated, so much in fact, some doctors could not afford to stay in business without them.
We also know that vaccines beget more virulent strains. For example, before the measles vaccine the disease was so mild it caused only 2 deaths per million infected, and mortality from whooping cough was zero before its vaccine was invented. The chicken pox vaccine (which had no real justification for being created) resulted in a permanent sustained increase of Shingles (a disease much worse than chickenpox) because the vaccinated populations lost their herd immunity to varicella zoster.
Another issue is quality control, for example, a July 2021 study, conducted by a team of British scientists examined the aluminum content (long known to cause lesions in the cranial nerves) in thirteen different childhood vaccines. They found that six of the vaccines contained significantly higher amounts of aluminum than the manufacturer claimed, and four of the vaccines contained significantly smaller amounts. The study showed only three of the thirteen vaccines contained an amount of aluminum within 10 percent of the manufacturers’ listed contents. Above all, the CDC nor NIH do not have a single study to support the safety of recommending repeated injection of this cyto- and-neuro toxic substance as part of the CDC’s childhood vaccine schedule.
But various issues with the current childhood schedule of vaccines are too vast to address here. (Please see my Book Recommendations post for more on the topic.) What remains at issue is the pharmaceutical companies’ attempt to get this unnecessary and dangerous new C19 “vaccine” added to that schedule in order to keep their liability protection when their emergency authorization for it is finally (ever?) revoked. Considering the risks of this novel medical treatment to our kids, it’s not hyperbole to say that Pfizer and Moderna are sacrificing these children’s lives and health to continue raking in billions of dollars off a wholly unnecessary and extremely dangerous product. And it looks like most of American is just going to shrug their shoulders and let them.
Scientific Studies on Vaccine Injuries from late 2021 onward (roughly 250, with summaries)
A Host of Notable COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Events, Backed by Evidence
DMED DATA Reveals Huge Spikes in Vaccine Injuries Across the Board—“This is what a cover up looks like."
Vaccine harm coverup by the Israeli Ministry of Health,-and-that-side-effects-are-mild-and-transient
Ventura County nurses blow the whistle on healthcare crisis & unexplained medical issues (Oct 2021)
More VC Nurses Blow Whistle on ‘Overwhelming’ Numbers of Heart Attacks, Clotting, Strokes
1616 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 1114 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection
Epidemiology of Acute Myo/pericarditis in Hong Kong Adolescents Following Vaccination (Nov 2021)
Doctor who vaccinated 900 calls blood clots at capillary level an ‘absolutely new phenomenon’
Covid vaccine destroys hematopoietic (blood-related) stem cells responsible for the development of immunity & more
Vaccine injury peer reviewed reports & studies
Compilation of 2,074 case reports documenting vaccine injury
7,300 and counting affirmative replies to a senator's question about heart attacks post "vaccination"
Over 100,000 comments about vaccine injuries calling BULLSHIT on the WHO's claiming they don't exist
Detroit TV Requests Stories of Unvaxxed Dying, Gets over 180K Responses of Vax Injury & Death Instead
What Doctors Say in Private About COVID Vaccines
Affidavits of 11 physicians injured by the covid vaccines
Presentation by toxicologist Dr. Janci Lindsay for how the COVID vaccines can harm women.
Women of childbearing age at heightened risk of 14 conditions including miscarriage, fertility issues, fetal cardiac arrest, and menstrual abnormality
Evidence that ethylmercury crosses the blood-brain barrier
Vaccine Shedding
COVID vaccines cause neurological side effects
Israeli study shows vaccinated are 7x more likely to get infected than unvaccinated/C19-recovered
Judicial Watch was forced to sue HHS because the agency refused to turn over the vaccine safety records voluntarily
The Ethical Skeptic, data analyst and fraud investigator, calls out the CDC for systematically burying bad vaccine news
Vaccine Researcher Who Developed Tinnitus After COVID Shot Calls for Further Study
Doctor breaks silence about a devastating vaccine injury, slamming regulators for censoring discussion with threats to doctors
CDC Finds Hundreds of Safety Signals for Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines
12 new safety signals showing devastating dangers from COVID shots
Booster Shots May Trigger Stroke Incidents, According to CDC and FDA
Serious Harms of the Covid-19 Vaccine: A Systematic Review
COVID Vaccines Caused 300,000 Excess Deaths, $147 Billion in Damage to Economy in 2022 Alone
Over 1,000 studies in peer-reviewed medical journals say vaccines are dangerous
Expelled by Pediatricians for Declining CDC’s Vaccine Schedule
New Study proves Pfizer mRNA induced turbo cancer
Is it long COVID or long vax? Does the government want to know?
BREAKING - New Study Demands Immediate Moratorium on COVID-19 mRNA Injections
COVID Injections: Unveiling the Mechanisms of Harm
Ask Chat GPT about mRNA
Czech Data Confirm Six "Hottest Lots" of the Comirnaty Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine
Suppressed Science of the mRNA Injection: data which must be ignored for the 'everything is fine' paradigm to remain intact
Exploring the science of vaccination and autoimmunity
Testicular turbo cancer in young athletes
Two Babies Die, Likely from Their Mothers' First Trimester Covid Vaccines
Studies showed inadvertent intravascular injections occur regularly when injecting in the muscle
The Truth About Vaccine-induced Myocarditis
The Truth About Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis: Part 2
Twitter thread on personal experiences of vaccine injuries

Vaccine shedding
Never-seen-before increase in cancer deaths that is deepening
Clear Proof the Vaccine is Dangerous and That The CDC Concealed It
Adverse Reactions to COVID Vaccines I Came Across During Their First Year on the Market
The latest CDC paper on vaccine myocarditis is NOT reassuring
The Truth About Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis: Part 2
Can Vaccines be Dangerous to Pregnant Women, Babies and Human Reproduction ? - A Credible Mechanism of Harm
21 Surveys of Side Effects Showing Shocking Rates of *SEVERE* Adverse Events
10 Worst Hazards of the COVID Vaccines
COVID-19 vaccine injured doctors finally starting to speak up...and are shocked the medical establishment abandons them
Hundreds of French Citizens Suffer Cardiac Events after Bivalent Boosters
Dr Ryan Cole on how the mRNA shot depletes immune systems
Dr. Ryan Cole: Alarming Cancer Trend Suggests COVID-19 Vaccines Alter Natural Immune Response
The biggest crime in the history of medicine (by Dr. Boz, MD)
mRNA technology: Lessons and consequences – FULL (Dr. Jessica Rose)
Malone, Cole, Urso Discuss The Dangers Of COVID-19 Vaccines & The Need For Scientific Integrity
Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?
Multiple experts on Maajid Nawaz’s podcast discussing vaccine injury and media silence
Former British Sky News exec on the vaccine injury media blackout
"Safe & Effective" documentary on vaccine injury\
Unsafe & Ineffective documentary
UTAH: Safe & Effective
Heartbreaking Israeli documentary on vaccine injuries
ANECDOTALS: A compassionate exploration of the nuanced vaccine debate
The Unseen Crisis documentary
Vaccine injured medical professionals
58,400 Kiwis report vaccine injury in New Zealand (with population barely over 5M)
Vaccine harm coverup by the Iraeli Ministry of Health
A 4min video on the flawed/corrupt vaccine studies for young children
Myocarditis in the setting of SARS CoV-2 Infections and C19 Vaccinations in Children (dose response suggests causation)
OB-GYN Dr. James Thorp - Dangers of the COVID “Vaccine” to Pregnant Women
Retsef Levi: Leaked Videos Show How Israeli Authorities Are ‘Actively Hiding Critical Information About Side Effects’
One of the most devastating takedowns of Pharma’s manipulated myocarditis data I’ve seen
Eye-opening presentation on the science behind why Covid-19 jabs are injuring so many people around the world
UK Doctors Call For Government Investigation Of mRNA Covid Vaccines
Vaxxed versus unvaxxed—a clear comparison in health outcomes
Dr. Robert Malone’s Town Hall on Childhood COVID vaccinations
Vaccine-Injured in Australia Fight for Justice
Covid Vaccines - The Devastating Health Crisis in the Channel Islands & Around the World
20 Million Dead from the Jab, 2.2 Billion Injuries – Analyst Estimates
Japanese Oncologist Professor Fukushima condemns mRNA Vaccines as "Evil Practices of Science" (Apr.2024)
Eric Clapton bravely discusses his neurological COVID-19 vaccine injuries
Living with Vaccine Injury
Dr. Peter McCullough Interviews Dr. Aseem Malhotra
Dr.Aseem Malhotra testifies in Helsinki District Court (April 12, 2024)
Documentary about vaccine injury (May 2022)
MALAYSIAN and South African Doctors are exposing dangers of COVID-19 Vaccines
Impotence, Erectile Dysfunction, and Multiple Prostate Problems as Adverse Events After Vaccination
Has Big Pharma Hijacked Evidence Based Medicine? -Aseem Malhotra
Excess baby deaths investigation
Record excess deaths in Europe
Dr. John Campbell explains Long Covid article in Australian Journal of General Practitioners
Excellent! Thank you for this. I put your link on today's Covid and Coffee substack.
Thank you! This substack is Brilliant! Can you imagine how wonderful the health of humans and animals would be if vaccines were eliminated?