This is impressive work! You have successfully made it possible for unscientific and non-medical people to more easily understand these studies and the incredible injustice done to the populous at scale. Let’s hope this work opens the eyes to how pervasive and significant the harm is, so people may take action to better their health. Awesome piece of work!

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Thank you so much! That means a lot to me. :)

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Excellent compendium of important studies! Restacking. Cheers.

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Thank you!

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I’m surprise there’s even this many studies out there showing this, and they haven’t totally squelched them… even with that just common sense observation tells you there’s a problem with them, even if it’s just through anecdotal observations. But it’s not all just a “coincidence“.

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At the very least this would indicate we need to hit "pause" until more research is done, right? But no, somehow we've gone from dangerous until proven safe, to safe until proven dangerous. Even when there's proof that they're dangerous!

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"Totally squelched!?" Aw man, that'd be so 20th-century. With today's shiny new form of despotism, you just convince enough of the public that there is the official discourse and discussion over here, and the nut-job alternative discourse over there, which is of course "allowed" but monitored, shielded-via-algorithm, periodically cancelled, and anyone above upper management who links to it is shunned, hounded, fired, etc.

The most brilliant thing is that on some topics, such as the covid-vax-harm Disaster, you can even get "conservatives" and other supposed opponents of the regime to join in! The professional conservatives have their OWN version of "official discourse here, nut-job-nothing-discourse there," and so you just figure out how to get them to fit your pet suppression of a major story into that, and Voila, awareness of the damning facts reported in this (excellent) post is shunted off to an discourse ghetto.

But those suppressor conservatives--I call them "supservatives"--apparently need to do better at bribing or threatening Kane of Citizen Free Press, however, who brought me to this post.

For more on the supservatives:




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So well said, thank you. Big Pharma's reach crosses the aisle and permeates governments worldwide. The number of Team Reality members in our own US Congress is hovering at a pathetic count of fingers on one, maybe two, hands.

I'll check out your Substack posts ASAP. You may be interested in a previous post I wrote on Censorship, Regulatory Capture, and Conflicts of Interest: https://ladycasey.substack.com/p/censorship-regulatory-capture-conflicts

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There have been a lot of us pointing this out for the past four years. I haven't written much on subject or given any speeches / presentations for a while because it seems there are plenty of others carrying the torch and continuing to publish this information.

Thank you for your great article.

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I'm hoping we become a critical mass someday soon ... meantime thank you for your comment!

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Absolutely! We must continue to nudge and educate our friends and family. Hopefully critical mass has been reached, we may just not yet have enough momentum?

There are some real diehards that have completely believed the authorities and dismissed us as "fringe lunatics". The science is on our side, now we just need to win the propaganda war.

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It is a war, you're right

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Spot on… key issue that is occurring is that central authorities can no longer be trusted. Been that way for sometime actually but it’s becoming more apparent by the day.

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At least there's one silver lining to this catastrophic crime against humanity, lol

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Excellent stack!

I’d say to everyone out there, KEEP these, and any others, including studies on the childhood vaccine schedule. I now send them to

myself so I can easily refer back/send them to others seeking TRUTH.

It doesn’t make you popular and no kid wants to hear any adult screaming, “DO NOT RUN INTO the STREET!”, yet isn’t it wonderful when we can save someone from being run over? Or vax injured?

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Thank you so much!

We have a lot in common, lol... our names, for one, but also that I'm always sending myself new studies to store in categorized email files for future reference. I've been able to use them help vaccine injured friends when their own doctors are "stumped" by new onset eye disorders, blood clot issues, neurological symptoms, and "long covid" that's really long vax, etc. I've lost friends over it too, but that's less important to me than helping the ones I can and educating ignorant doctors (who really should be doing this research themselves).

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We certainly DO have a lot in common!

Keep on keeping on.

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Funny story. I was at a Wedding Shower where a MD I knew decided to challenge me on not getting the Covid Jab. I explained how I calculated my risk (non-existent) and the ARR and RRR in the trials. She knew NOTHING about the data but thought she could "school" me on how dangerous my decision was. She did not even know that they did not run the trials for transmission.

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Ha! I'd have loved to be a fly on that wall during your conversation, lol

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I'm convinced that most doctors didn't even realise these were NOT traditional shots.

It's why they can't wrap their tiny minds around how "just another flu shot" could suddenly be causing death and injury, and that all of this must just be evil anti-vaxxer propaganda.

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"Tiny minds" is right. If there is a silver lining to this situation at all, it's that some patients finally see how misplaced their trust and admiration of doctors has been

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Thank you for this, KC! The more the media disregard these stories / data, the more believable it becomes that C19 & subsequent jabs were maliciously purposeful. I thank the Good Lord daily for instilling in me the wisdom and courage to stand up to friends / peers / employer and refuse the jab. Thanks again!

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You're welcome! And like you, I'm just grateful to possess a critically thinking brain. It's been disheartening over the past 4 years to see how many of my otherwise intelligent friends actually don't.

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Holy cow, isn’t that the truth!

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Wow. Just... Wow. Thank you for compiling this list. When I first started reading thru each description I thought I would print every article and take it to my PCP (who is still offering the "vaccine"). Thinking it would make a nice stack. Then... it kept going and going...

So I had to revise my plan. I will now just print your list (reference to your Substack of course) and hand that to my doc.

I of couse did not have any of this knowledge back in November of 2020 when word came out that there was a "vaccine". None of us did. But I had enough critical thinking skills and curiosity and skepticism to ask hard questions only to be threatened and ostracized. Which of course only strengthened my resolve to wait and learn more.

What astonished me and continues to astonsh me, is the number of people who refuse to acknowledge the facts staring them in their face. Who double down. Such shocking behavior. Or the ones who don't apologize for having declared that the "unvaccinated" should not be given medical care or be put in camps etc. etc. But now, they just want us all to forgive and forget. My response... I will never do either. I will carry that to my grave. Not hate... but not forgiveness either. If they had sincerely apologized and made full acknowledgement of their error and behavior, I would absolutely accept and attempt to move forward. But they don't, so I won't. May the Lord have mercy on them and forgive them, because I am not that magnanimous or charitable or kind.

I hope those responsible or culpable for the unspeakable evil perpetrated on humankind, find themselves, at the end of their life, in front of Him and coming to awareness that they will spend eternity in hell.

Sorry folks. I've been wanting to unload that for a long time.

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This makes me happy! My entire purpose in writing it was to arm people with ammunition, especially to take to their doctors. I laughed at you planning to print them out, lol... yeah, it's a long list. I have a pdf copy of this one single post and it's at least 40 pages long.

Critical thinking is the game changer, right? I've been so disappointed in how few of my (otherwise intelligent) friends have it. It's truly as if they're brainwashed. Their eyes literally glaze over when presented with hard evidence. Some minds will never change but some will and I hope this list will be a small factor in that.

Thanks for commenting! Unload here anytime. :)

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I admire the people who stood their ground amidst constant abusive attacks on them. They even had a bullseye painted on their backs. They were blamed for the continuation of the pandemic, instead of the true cause which was the shots did not stop transmission or infection. Pharma took advantage of people who were not well versed in the science of molecular biology.

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They still have targets on their backs. Just yesterday I had to dispute (successfully, thankfully) a false claim by Norton security that my Substack was suspicious and a potential security threat!

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Wow really? This corruption runs so deep, for gawds sake how did Norton become involved?????

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My guess is that someone filed a complaint... someone connected to pharma or the gov't... or some jab happy, brainwashed fool thinking they're saving the world from an anti-vaxer?

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P.B. From what I believe (Dannion Brinkley / Dead and Near death) We will face ourselves and relive (feel and experience) our actions effects towards others. Panoramic life review. That can be hell...

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Thanks for your excellent work! And let's NEVER FORGET what's been done here.

Never before in the history of mankind has such a globally organized crime against humanity been plotted and successfully carried out. These are NOT 'vaccines' and to call them 'jabs' is whimsical and misleading as to suggest they have some redeemable, beneficial medical purpose. They do NOT! These lethal injections are BIOWEAPONS... plain and simple! 

Because the makers of these products have been knowingly and purposely pursuing a satanic, world-wide depopulation agenda they MUST be hunted down, arrested, tried, sentenced and EXECUTED as the laws of all our civilized societies deem necessary for the benefit and preservation of mankind.  

This is what THE GREAT TRIBULATION looks like and we're now in it. 

WAKE UP sleeping Christians!  

William Raymond: pastor & ambassador at Law for the Christ 

MartinTaylorRickenbacker@gmail.com - THE GREAT TRIBULATION REPORT ONLINE (daily blog) WilliamRaymond@thechurchatSalem.info (personal email) 

www.thechurchatSalem.info (website)

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Yes, you're correct. These are bioweapons and nothing less!

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Quite complete I bet, scary complete. Even two of my favorite scientist are sharing this. Rose and Malone. Some people have been poo pooing Malone as only wanting his MRNA inventions to still be seen as positive for future gain. By him sharing this it shows that he might be more about truth and public safety than anything.

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I've always trusted that his heart is pure and he has no hidden agenda. I never thought for a second he'd pay any attention to my little list! I was so touched that Dr. Rose liked it and asked him to repost it. I'm completely stunned and honored.

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You're a doll, thanks

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Excellent to have all these studies as documentation in one place. Bravo!

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Bravo!! Superlative effort :)

Thanks for linking my articles

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Thank you so much! Means a lot to me, coming from you

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I'm just a rando layperson like you :)

No academic background whatsoever

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Which makes what you do all the more impressive! It's the passion & dedication I admire, not to mention how much better you are at detailed explanations of complex studies, than I am. (I do my best but rely a lot on experts like McCullough, Makis, Malone, etc...and brilliant "randos" like you.)

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I try :)

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This impressive and voluminous library of contra COVID "vaccine" studies is conclusive. These drugs are undeniably harmful and toxic to far too many of us. The simple fact that many of those injected are not immediately or noticeably harmed is meaningless. Contracting whatever COVID might be is far less harmful than it's "vaccines". Even among the famous "vaccinated" among us alone the harms and repeat infections are innumerable. As example, I submit our President who emphatically implored us to vaccinate to not just protect ourselves, but others. In the famous words of Dr. Phil "and how is that working out for ya ?" Likely just not enough boosters.

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Jul 26Edited

Four years ago, I sensed in my gut that this science would someday come to light. I knew even then the upcoming "vaccine" rollout would be disastrous for years to come. I started bookmarking studies in 2021, thinking someday maybe I'd post a comprehensive list.

In the meantime I've witnessed at least 2 dozen loved ones and acquaintances suffer serious (even deadly) harms of the injection, while no one I know personally sustained any lasting damage from catching the infection. The whole thing is as tragic as it could possibly be.

As for Biden, he got what he deserved. Nothing about his decline is a tragedy. That's just karma...in fact, by rights he should suffer worse

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And Fauci quadruple that.

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Outstanding work!!! Thank you for this compilation, it will be very handy to many!

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I'm so glad! It was a true labor of love. I just want as many people as possible to have easily accessible ammunition

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Why were public health doctors fooled into thinking that ordinary people would not get infected if they were vaccinated?

I think that one of the problems is the "effectiveness rate."

Even with conventional vaccines, the effectiveness rate for most individuals is very low.

There is a big problem with vaccine effectiveness rates [the difference between relative effectiveness rate (RRR) and absolute effectiveness rate (ARR)].

I have a relative who is an internal medicine doctor, and he didn't seem to know the difference until I pointed it out to him.

Many doctors (and of course laypeople) don't understand the difference between absolute effectiveness rate and relative effectiveness rate (effectiveness rate as defined by the FDA, CDC, and Pharmas).

For example, suppose there are 1 million people, and 1,000 of them become infected if they are all unvaccinated.

If all 1 million people are vaccinated and the number of infected people decreases to 100, the relative effectiveness rate (RRR) is 90%.

However, even if everyone is unvaccinated, 999,000 people will not be infected in the first place, so the absolute effectiveness rate (ARR) is abt. 0.1%.

This(ARR) is the effectiveness rate that is significant for individuals.

The ARR is the average probability that an individual will not become infected if vaccinated. It is definitely not RRR.

There is a formula in the basics of medicine.

RRR≡(Number of people who developed symptoms in placebo - Number of people who developed symptoms in vaccinated) / Number of people who developed symptoms in placebo * 100[%]

ARR≡[1-{1-Number of people who developed symptoms in placebo/Total number of people who developed symptoms in placebo}/{1-Number of people who developed symptoms in vaccinated/Total number of people who developed symptoms}] * 100[%]

Calculation site https://bestpractice.bmj.com/info/toolkit/learn-ebm/how-to-calculate-risk/

Of course, there are side effects, so if a large number of people who would not have been infected are vaccinated, even people who would not have experienced side effects in the first place will suffer from them.

In some cases, people who would not have been infected and would not have died will die from side effects.

In fact, even the fraudulent Pfizer Phase Ⅰ- clinical trial report from 2020 shows that the Sarscov2 non-infection rate is 99.962% for vaccinated people and 99.246% for unvaccinated people, meaning that the difference in infection between vaccinated and unvaccinated people is only 7 people per 1000. This means that 993 people out of 1000 will not be infected whether they are vaccinated or not. It also shows that even if everyone is unvaccinated, the infection rate is about 8 people per 1000. However, doctors appearing on TV, public health authorities, and the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare only promote the relative effectiveness rate RRR, and continue to mislead people into thinking that RRR is the probability that an individual can avoid infection. The reason for this is either that they are ignorant or that they are making profits directly or indirectly from pharmaceuticals and intentionally selling them. For the safety of ourselves and our families, we should at least take some time to find and read the clinical trial report. I read the Pfizer clinical trial report before vaccination, had doubts, and was able to not vaccinate. Below are the results of my numerical calculations from several clinical trial documents.

Pfizer's BNT162b2 ARR = 0.716%, RRR = 95% (However, this is clearly a gene therapy drug.

Considering that doctors and scholars around the world later uncovered the fake parts, the ARR and RRR are even lower)

SK-Zooster (Shingrix) (shingles) ARR = 0.9%, RRR 94.2%

Meiji Replicon (Sarscov2) ARR = 0.5%, RRR = 95.5% (This is also a gene therapy drug)

Sequirus Flucelvax® Quad (for infulenzaA,B) ARR = 17.5%, RRR = 51.9%

However, Placebo was administered with meningococcal ACWY-vax instead of saline

In short, it was a fraudulent clinical trial, and all we can say is only that Flucelvax is more effective against influenza than ACWY-vax.

GSK's Arexvy (RSV) ARR = 0.26%, RRR = 82.5%

Moderna's mRNA-1345 (RSV) ARR = 0.53%, RRR = 68.4% (also a gene therapy drug)

Gardasil: HPV uninfected: ARR = 0.7%, RRR ≒ 50%

Gardasil: HPV already infected: ARR = 3.07%, RRR ≒ 70%

Gardasil contains the neurotoxin ALuminum at 416±75μg/dose


However, it is known that administering a vaccine for a disease when you are infected can actually be harmful.

In the case of Gardasil, you should be tested to see if you are already infected or not before administering it.

Vaccination while infected is highly carcinogenic, so regular testing and early surgery are best.

However, the authorities have not made this mandatory, and I feel that they are being malicious.

Recently, vaccines have been approved without actual clinical trials (RCTs) and based solely on increased antibody titers,

but as you all know, RNA viruses mutate one after another, so antibodies are less effective against the actual mutated RNA viruses.

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I was in pharma/biotech for 40 years. The RRR vs. ARR was the way we always "played" the data to look impressive (Statins, SSRI etc). Do you have other ARR data for other childhood vaccines?

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I found a table about the RCT clinical trial period of conventional general vaccines, so I'd like to report it. It's a PDF.


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I didn't save it on my PC because I don't have any infants or young children among my close relatives at the moment, but somewhere this year I saw a table that showed whether or not so-called routine vaccination vaccines had undergone RCTs and been approved.

I searched for it now, but I could't find anything, but as I recall, only short-term RCTs were conducted on vaccines for dangerous infectious diseases, and almost none of the others were.

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It's unbelievable to see billionaire Gates involved in creating gain-of-function virology and genetic therapies that harm and kill people, yet he remains unindicted and unprosecuted. These are terrible crimes.

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There's something straight up evil about that man

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I agree, there is. He also funded censorship in colleges - check out my story:


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Looks fascinating! I'll read the interview in full ASAP. Seems we have a shared interest in the topic of civil rights trampled during the "pandemic" ...something I plan to cover in an upcoming Substack post (next year)

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I concur there is.

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My instincts were spot-on about NOT taking the 'jab'

Fantastic revelations, KC...THANK YOU very much!

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You're welcome! And thanks for the laugh. I've never heard anyone say "holy excrement" before and I take that as high praise

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Avoid all vaccines, they are a complete con.


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